
We had a great year for outdoor activities. Aided — no surprise here — by the abundance of outdoor gear that we actually wanted to wear and use. From the wealth of hiking kicks that lived across our outdoors and city wardrobes to the GORE-TEX coats we spent our savings on, there was so much going on in the world of performance gear this year. But that wasn’t the whole story for us. Our expeditions were also facilitated by a bunch of more practical pieces of gear, too.
Whether we’re talking about Inspector-Gadget tents, cozy blankets, or weirdly comfortable pop-up chairs, the days and nights that we spent in the wild were easier and more enjoyable than ever thanks to a handful of gear that entered our lives.
With the help of HHV, we’re rounded up 9 of the best outdoor essentials for next year’s forays into nature. Shop the edit below.
The absolute final boss of outdoor essentials is the Heimplanet 3-Season Tent. As the name suggests, you can use this tent in various states of undress depending on the season and its wild exoskeleton will keep it nice and sturdy no matter what the conditions.
If you haven’t spent a night in the wild during 2021, but plan to in 2022, then heed this advice: even a hot summer’s day gets COLD at night. You won’t regret bringing a padded blanket like this one from Voited.
Carhartt WIP does it all. From contemporary workwear all the way through to… foldable mattresses. Jokes aside, this is a lifesaver after a long day of trekking.
Outdoor specialist Filson teams up with fellow outdoor specialist Helinox for a technically perfect fold-out, hard-top table.
To save your back, you’re going to want a comfortable chair when you’re sitting at the accompanying table.
Large pillow blankets are all well and good when you’re lying still in bed, but if you’re still on the move and the mercury drops, opting for a heavy-duty blanket that you can wrap around is a much better idea.
If you’ve ever seen a Bear Grylls episode, you’ll know that hydration is key. 800ml is a nice volume to carry without being too small to really rehydrate. Better yet, the Klean Kanteen is basically indestructible.
For a warm lunch on the move, the YETI Rambler has proven to be the MVP. We’ve been treated to warm soup, pasta, and more mid-trek.
Snow Peak is one of the labels at the forefront of the style-performance crossover and its tasteful eye extends to outdoor essentials, too. This little lamp forgoes the boring clichés of modern camping lights for a traditional form.
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