Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond operating our business. Our sustainability mission is to improve the quality of life of the communities we serve globally through stakeholder value creation. We continuously strive to add value to all of our stakeholders by improving their lives. Our focus on six pillars of sustainable development - CSR, Innovation, Health Safety Environment, Work Place Ethics, Gender Equality, and Singularity and Wellness, ensures that we grow our business while responding to stakeholder needs and emerging global trends.
These pillars form the basis of our sustainability strategy and position SFO to increase efficiency, meet our clients demands, add value and a competitive advantage, and create new opportunities in the marketplace. We believe our sustainability practices will provide for present needs of our stakeholders without compromising the needs of future generations to meet theirs. At SFO we take a systems view. We recognize that our company is part of a larger social, economic, and environmental system, and systems change and evolve and today’s actions must consider the future. We envision a world in which everyone can flourish, living on a planet that is resilient and rich with biodiversity.