SFO - SpaceOrgan®

About SpaceOrgan :
- From the earliest years we have been conscious of having made efforts to teach our bodies to maintain what we may term their equilibrium and learn the location of ourselves in space . Because this consciousness has been only of the effort and its realization never reached , because secured consciously this very inability to say how it is done has caused experimenters and writers no end of labor and conjecture as to the situation and functions of organs concerned therein and yet we cannot speak positively in regard to what might be called an organ of space . Well that is past . And here we are with an gadget that helps you put the puzzle of your life together with SpaceOrgan®.
The SpaceOrgan RoadMap :

Disrupt yourself as there is much more about you which you do not know …….
- And here we are with an gadget that helps you put the puzzle of your life together with SpaceOrgan®.
- SpaceOrgan SDK platform ready to build your apps that interface with consciousness to reinvent reality and life .
Heath as never before ( graphic of health and wellness )

Happiness as never before ( graphic of happiness )

Wealth as never before ( graphic of wealth )

Peace as never before ( graphic of peace )

Purpose as never before ( graphic of purpose )

Our Clientele :
- Every single soul who is sick ….. 98 % of the world is sick.
- Every single soul that is unhappy ….. 98 % of the world is unhappy.
- Every single soul who is poor …… 1 in 4 people is poor.
- Every single soul who is not at peace …. 98 % of the world is not at peace.
- Every single soul who is aimless ….. 98 % of the world do not know what they are here for.
- PATENT 1 - Practical approach which we have filed patent for is capturing a wormhole & enlarging it many trillions of times to make it big enough for a human or even a spaceship to enter it & reappear elsewhere. (patent filed)
- PATENT 2 - Since wormholes are tiny blackholes (model of a proton that obeys Schwarzschild condition), commercial sense lies to create a temporary blackhole without needing to blow out a wormhole. (patent filed)
- PATENT 3 - You can teleport both in distance & time by a device (patent filed) that can interpret Lorentz transformations (coordinate transformations between two coordinate frames that move at constant velocity relative to each other) in 4th dimension.
- PATENT 4 - Such device interfaces with normal rocket positioning systems ( patent filed ) to allow seamless travel between 3rd & 4th dimension thereby nullifying impact of slowing / speeding of time on biological matter ( human life ).
- PATENT 5 - You can enter/exit wormhole at its tiny size by deatomizing & reatomizing. This is where gravity control comes into play. A spaceship powered with antigravity ( patent filed ) slows particle spin of the matter that creates it to defeat gravity.
- PATENT 6 - An antigravity powered space ship (patent filed) can breed gravity inside ( carry humans ) . That's how our REALITY IS STRUCTURED with concentration of gravity ( matter ) in infinite anti-gravity ( space ).
- PATENT 7 - This antigravity technology is also ready to lift commercial aircrafts or any heavy material for construction purposes ( patent filed ). Very handy to build heavy hyperloop if atall need of an hyperloop remains once teleportation becomes mainstream.
- We have all these time travel, teleportation, antigravity, vertical takeoff of commercial plane technologies under patent filing. Reality is amazing. Lets explore together . The thesis awaits issue of copyright from the Library of Congress www.loc.com before publishing it's full version for above technological applications.
- Mankind has turned into a consumer society standing at the edge of a total loss of the conceptual guidelines necessary for further evolution. The majority of people are almost exclusively absorbed in merely maintaining their own comfortable lives. Modern civilization, with its space stations, nuclear submarines, iPhones and Segways cannot save mankind from the limitations in the physical abilities of our bodies, nor from diseases and death. We are not satisfied with modern achievements of scientific and technical progress. Science working for the satisfaction of consumer needs will not be able to ensure a technological breakthrough towards a radically different way of life. We believe that the world needs a different ideological paradigm. Within its framework it is necessary to form a major objective capable of pointing out a new direction for the development of all mankind and ensuring the achievement of a scientific and technical revolution.
- The new ideology should assert, as one of its priorities, the necessity of using breakthrough technology for an improvement of man himself and not only of his environment. We believe that it is possible and necessary to eliminate aging and even death, and to overcome the fundamental limits of the physical and mental capabilities currently set by the restrictions of the physical body. Scientists from various countries in the world are already developing technology that ensures the creation of an artificial human body prototype within the next decade. We believe the biggest technological project of our times will become the creation of such artificial human body and a subsequent transfer of individual human consciousness to such a body. Implementation of this technological project will inevitably result in an explosive development of innovations and global changes in our civilization and will improve human life. We believe that before 2025 an artificial body will be created that will not only surpass the existing body in terms of functionality, but will achieve perfection of form and be no less attractive than the human body. People will make independent decisions about the extension of their lives and the possibilities for personal development in a new body after the resources of the biological body have been exhausted. The new human being will receive a huge range of abilities and will be capable of withstanding extreme external conditions easily: high temperatures, pressure, radiation, lack of oxygen, etc. Using a neural-interface humans will be able to operate several bodies of various forms and sizes remotely. We suggest the implementation of not just a mechanistic project to create an artificial body, but a whole system of views, values and technology which will render assistance to humankind in intellectual, moral, physical, mental and spiritual development. We invite all interested specialists: scientists, politicians, mass media personalities, philosophers, futurologists and businessmen to join the "Space-Organ" strategic social initiative. We welcome all who share our vision of the future and are ready to make the next jump.
The main objectives are:
- To achieve the support of the International community and create conditions for international co-operation of interested specialists around the "Space-Organ" Initiative.
- To create an international research center for cybernetic immortality to advance practical implementations of the main technical project – the creation of the artificial body and the preparation for subsequent transfer of individual human consciousness to such a body.
- To engage experts in the selection and support of the most interesting projects in the quest to ensure technological breakthroughs.
- To support innovative industries and create special scientific education programs for schools and institutes of higher education.
- To create educational programs for television, radio and internet, to hold forums, conferences, congresses and exhibitions, and to establish awards and produce books, movies and computer games with the view of raising the profile of the initiative and spreading its ideas.
- To form a culture connected with the ideology of the future, promoting technical progress, artificial intellect, “multi-body”, immortality, and cyborgization.
SpaceOrgan HealthCare/Wellness Applications :
- You have 64 facets to your personality . Until we explore all of them , we fall short of being complete humans . We help your discover :
- What facets are you having out of the 64 possible ?
- What is your level of incarnation of the facet you are genotyped with ?
- What can be the facets that support the life you wish to lead ?
- How to enable them ?
- Own SpaceOrgan®( Your Abundance Pal ) to put all facets of your life back on what they were meant to be .
- Own SpaceOrgan®( Your Abundance Pal ) to put all facets of your life back on what they were meant to be.
- Immortality and Anti aging
- Consciousness Infrastructure
- Inter Species Communication Language
- Transhumanism
SpaceOrgan Mobility Applications :
- Faster than Light ( FTL )
- Vertical Lift for Airplanes
- SpaceTime Warping Vehicle
- Super Sonic Transport System
Interstellar Applications:
- Space Inhabitation
Telecom Applications :
- Thought Telephony
IT Applications :
- Quantum Computing
Power Applications :
- Power from Vacuum
More applications under compilation.
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