Sekhon Family Office ( SFO ) DEAL MACHINE
MERGERS - ACQUISITIONS - CAPITAL - PLATFORM for Family Business Owners in the following categories :
1. Upper Middle Market ($500 Mn to $1Bn in revenue and above)
2. Middle-market ($50 Mn to $500 Mn in revenue)
3. Lower Middle Market ($5 Mn to $50Mn in revenue)
If you are a Family Business Owner who is considering the sale of your business in the above market categories please contact us here to confidentially discuss your specific situation. We have both strategic / financial buyers within our network. Our deal platform combines traditional capital advisory with robo advisory and other financial technology.
Expert sell-side merger and acquisition advisory services for Family Business Owners looking for meaningful exit. |
ACQUIRE A BUSINESSInorganic growth advisory for buy-side mandates across multiple business segments . |
GROWTH CAPITALTechnology-driven capital raising for private companies facilitated through both Reg D and Reg A+. |
STRATEGY CONSULTINGCapital consulting expertise across a broad range of transaction types and sectors. |
We combine human capital with advanced software tools for better deal sourcing and deal distribution. Our advanced software tools allows us to work directly with issuers, investors and other intermediaries for streamlining deal processes for mergers, acquisitions and capital formation projects across the middle market.
Get in touch to request a live demo.