Battle of the bedding: Choosing the ultimate luxury pillow for your best night’s sleep yet

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, the right set-up for your room and some sumptuous luxury bedding are essential ingredients that none of us can do without. Too light, and you might not be able to drift off; too warm and you might find yourself tossing and turning in the night. Electronics in the bedroom have long been viewed as a big no-no, with blue light known to cause disruptions to our circadian rhythm – while the virtues of a warm bath and a spot of reading before climbing into bed have been touted by many as the solution to getting a solid eight hours.

But get your bedding choices wrong, and you could be sabotaging all of your best efforts to focus on good sleep hygiene, and those sound and sought-after hours of shut-eye might still elude you regardless.

Choose a duvet that is too short or too thick, and you risk feeling too hot or cold to doze soundly, often waking in the night and suffering from the effects of disrupted sleep the following day. The wrong pillow, and you could find yourself waking with a stiff neck, a sore shoulder or even a headache.

For many, it’s a case of trial and error, and finding the right bedding is a very personal thing. For some, a soft and doughy pillow feels as blissful as sleeping on a cloud, while for others, the firmer, the better. When you use a typical cheaper pillow, your head will be in an uncomfortable and unnatural position, placing your spine out of alignment, as these pillows don’t conform to your body – so it’s worth splurging on the best for a better night’s rest.

Goose down

Goose down pillows
The great thing about Goose down pillows is that they are extremely comfortable and there are numerous benefits of choosing them as part of your luxury bedding set. Image credit:

The great thing about Goose down pillows is that they are extremely comfortable and there are numerous benefits of choosing them as part of your luxury bedding set. Typically made from real bird feathers, they’re not everyone’s cup of tea – but their immense softness has won them a legion of loyal fans, many of whom likely wouldn’t swap their goose down pillows for anything.

Down is so naturally soft and sumptuous that you won’t have to deal with any tension or pressure when you lay on this type of pillow – and if you struggle to get comfortable on other varieties, then making the switch could make all the difference. Down pillows are about as decadent as you can get, and allow you to sink into them and fully relax, giving you that opulent hotel-style feel in the comfort of your own home.

You might have found that the pillows you currently use might typically get too hot or cold according to changes in weather and temperature. However, goose down pillows are more breathable and aren’t impacted by changes in the same way. This is because down is insulating, and even during the winter you’ll find that it doesn’t get cold. Down is also naturally very breathable, which means that this type of pillow allows moisture and heat to flow out from it – which is great in warm weather if you typically become restless at night – and can help to enhance the quality of your sleep

Memory foam

memory foam pillow
Memory foam pillows are made from naturally hypoallergenic material

If you already suffer with back or neck pain, then finding an ergonomic pillow, such as a memory foam style that moulds to fit your position, can be one of the best ways to ensure you’re getting the right support. This can help to minimise pain or discomfort in the morning and will keep your spine aligned, too.

Made to ensure that your weight is distributed evenly across it, it contours according to your needs and provides pressure point relief. Interestingly, memory foam pillows can even help with minimising snoring, too – positioning the head in a way that keeps the air passages open and allowing for optimal functioning of the respiratory tract.

Memory foam pillows are made from naturally hypoallergenic material, which helps to prevent the growth of bacteria within them which can lead to mould and dust-mites – neither of which are exactly synonymous with luxury and could easily keep you up all night.


latex pillow
Latex might not sound like the most obvious material to use in pillows, but it’s another great option for those suffering from back or shoulder pain

Latex might not sound like the most obvious material to use in pillows, but it’s another great option for those suffering from back or shoulder pain. Made from 100 per cent natural and organic latex, they are biodegradable, flame retardant, free from harmful chemicals and last for years – making them a good investment if you’re in the market to try something new.

Once again, latex pillows are able to resist mould and mildew, too – which is always reassuring. Providing a cushioned sleeping surface that moulds to your head and neck, many people find them a comfortable choice – but if you’re looking for that sumptuous five-star feeling then they might not quite do it for you.

The bottom line

While the type of pillow you choose to sleep on comes very much down to personal preference, when it comes to luxury, it really doesn’t get much better than a decadent down pillow. Soft as a cloud, it’s guaranteed to give you a night of sweet dreams and will give you that royal suite feeling at home  – although you’ll likely find it a little harder to say goodbye to in the mornings.

The post Battle of the bedding: Choosing the ultimate luxury pillow for your best night’s sleep yet first appeared on Luxury Lifestyle Magazine.
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