From his ‘camera-less’ photographs (photograms), to his geometric paintings, Hungarian László Moholy-Nagy was one of the artists at the forefront of mixing together technology and industry into art way back in the early 20th century. He was a key member of the Bauhaus school and was also influenced by the constructivists from Russia with their revolutionary aesthetic sense. The Guggenheim New York will be exhibiting a comprehensive retrospective of Moholy-Nagy’s work from May 27 to September 7, including pieces never before displayed in public.

László Moholy-Nagy, Room of the Present (Raum der Gegenwart), constructed in 2009 from plans and other documentation dated 1930
A total of over 300 collages, films, paintings, photographs, and sculptures will span throughout the whole exhibit, moving through his work chronologically. Also included is a special project planned by Moholy-Nagy in 1930 entitled Room of the Present, but never realized in his lifetime. It is a large scale work containing photographic reproductions, films, slides, documents, and replicas of architecture, theater, and industrial design.

László Moholy-Nagy, A 19, 1927
One of Moholy-Nagy’s key fascinations was the interplay of light, shadow, transparency, and motion. He made use of the light-sensitivity of photographic paper to ‘burn-in’ images and create photograms. He also mainly worked with primary colors and simple shapes, or photomontages, in his pictures. His work has influenced countless artists, and he was challenging in the way he taught his students, exposing them to a more functional and multi-disciplinary approach.

László Moholy-Nagy, Photogram, 1926
After its debut at the Guggenheim New York, the exhibition will move to the Art Institute of Chicago, followed by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Hopefully, this run of exhibits (the first time the artist has been viewed in nearly 50 years), will serve to educate thoroughly on his legacy.

László Moholy-Nagy, A II (Construction A II), 1924
You can check out more details and exhibit over at Guggenheim’s website.
This article was writen in-house, with an AFP story as one of the sources. Images courtesy of 2016 Hattula Moholy-Nagy/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
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