On July 1, 2003, I created a special day just for gal pals to express gratitude to each other — think Girls Night Out. However, it has since evolved into a day that also honors significant others — straight or gay. Since September 22, 2005, Chase’s Calendar of Events has listed August 1st as #NationalGirlfriendsDay. Ladies, you can get together with your girlfriends to go to the park, to a Broadway play, out to eat at a restaurant opening, see an indie movie, to an upscale spa for a massage or shopping online at TheRealReal. You can also just take pics with your besties like Ava DuVernay.
A favorite is getting together to have a luxury slumber party. Slumber parties are not just for little girls. Women of luxury can party hard at their slumber soirées. Girlfriends can even have powwows to discuss their business, financial and life goals. If you cannot get together with your girlfriends today, plan an outing for another day.
Mistress Susan Secret Tip: Sometimes you will see noted that sisterwoman.com created National Girlfriends Day. I believe that is incorrect because the social networking site launched in April 2006, some 3 years after I created the day.