The Swiss luxury brand Davidoff set its new flagship in Manhattan, with a space combining both a commercial area and a lounge to relax in. The 2,000 sqf location houses both a retail environment, and a nice little spot for you to sit comfortably after your purchases, topped off with various plush chairs and bespoke furnishings, from Walter Knoll and Poltrona Frau. Artist Pascal Meccariello also has a commission of his own residing within the lounge.
In terms of cigars, Davidoff is offering as premium a selection of goods as they’ve always had but for this instance they’ve also got a special one created for the opening of the store. The “Downtown NYC Exclusive” is a cigar not on sale anywhere else – and will cost $25 each or $250 for a box of 10. Another special service is the provision of private lockers for lease to customers who wish to have professionals look over their collection.
“The new flagship store in downtown New York marks the culmination of an ambitious new direction which brings our philosophy of ‘Time Beautifully Filled’ to life. From the expertise of the craft to the enjoyment of our products, this third Davidoff Flagship Store in New York will provide the ultimate luxury cigar experience to all who visit,” said Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, CEO and board member of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Typically, Davidoff sources its tobacco from Nicaragua and other nearby countries but with a thaw in US-Cuba relations underway, we would hazard a guess that any expansion in the USA must be to take advantage of the new situation.
For more information, check out Davidoff’s website here.
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