Explore Events Starring the Very Best of Piedmont at Castellana

Since June, Hong Kong’s fine dining scene has been on the rise, especially when it inherited a little Piedmont addition named Castellana. Not only does the restaurant offer an elegant rendition of the regional cuisine, while showcasing the very best of its natural bounty in truffles and wine, but it also presents it in a sumptuous setting in the heart of Causeway Bay.

The spacious 3,000 sq. ft. restaurant, which opened in collaboration with Chef Marco Sacco of Italy’s two Michelin-starred Piccolo Lago, is located on the tenth floor of the modern Cubus building. Seating a total of fifty guests, the space is wrapped in warm wood fixtures filled with the fine Italian wine that make up the wine list. This is complemented by soft gold, beige tones, leather furnishings and pops of colourful art to accentuate the contemporary surroundings. From dates to business meetings, or celebrations and group meals, Castellana provides a versatile space for all occasions and welcomes guests to step into a corner of Piedmont by way of Hong Kong’s retail district.

A main dining room, which seats 20 guests, as well as two 16-seat private rooms, are available for events and can expand to the bar which serves up to six guests at a time. All of which can be tweaked and tailored to your specific needs. From the room configuration to the menu items, cocktails and canapés, Castellana will design accordingly. This extends to offsite too, where Castellana can also bring Piedmontese cuisine to your doorstep.


A Castellana Event

Upon entry, Castellana can greets guests with a selection of canapés and cocktails; from the classic to more distinctive drinks based on — you guessed it — the jewel of Northern Italy: truffles. Whether it’s a punchy truffle gin-based martini, or something a little more innovative such as Ms. Truffle, which uses a blend of Frangelico, Bitter Truth Chocolate, lemon and pineapple, Castellana can mix it up for you. However, oenophiles need not despair as the 300+ bottle wine collection is just as impressive with full-bodied wines characteristic of Piedmont on the menu. Specific wine pairings can be also be arranged.

Dinner is served based on three menu options including Un Assaggio Del Piccolo Lago (Chef Marco Sacco’s menu from the Alpine Valley restaurant), Un Assaggio Tradizionale (the traditional menu), and a customisable five-course menu. From Italian Chef Sacco’s menu are dishes such as the succulent Piedmont pigeon, rich Smoked lake trout, and the savoury to sweet Jerusalem artichokes. For the more traditional diner, dishes including Oberto Fassona beef served with foie gras or Ravioli stuffed with Castelmagno cheese are crowd-pleasing favourites too. This can all be finished off sweetly with a tiramisu trio featuring the past, present and future interpretations of the traditional Italian dessert.

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