Are you giving up already on your skin issues, such as wrinkles, acne scars, pigmentation, melasma and big pores? Don’t give up yet! Blink Beauty Clinic which is located at Senopati, Jakarta Selatan, has the world’s No.1 laser, PicoSure. It is the most effective and advanced aesthetic laser that is able to help you rejuvenation your skin, in the fastest way, and with no downtime.
What is Blink Beauty Clinic?
Blink Beauty Clinic is an International certified slimming & aesthetic clinic in Indonesia. It is also the only one clinic in South-East Asia with the most advanced state of art premium non-invasive devices. The clinic holds the world’s most expensive and no.1 laser, PicoSure. Coined as the “Rolls Royce” of a laser (USA made and FDA approved), it is excellent for erasing pigmentation, Melasma, wrinkles, as well as rejuvenation, acne scars, and even, reduces pore size. Blink Beauty Clinic also Indonesia’s No.1 Clinic for slimming treatments, offering world-renowned Coolsculpting and SculpSure.

Rejuvenated and spotless skin with PicoSure
Instead of operating in nanoseconds like other conventional laser machines, PicoSure operates in picoseconds and delivers laser to targeted areas within a trillionth of a second. With PicoSure, you can easily say goodbye to any skin issues from pigmentations, fine lines, birthmark, acne scars, to moles!
PicoSure is made by CynoSure USA, the World’s Leading Laser company and developer of RevLite the Industry’s Gold Standard for Laser. It took CynoSure USA 13 years to develop PicoSure, which the company started working on after launching RevLite Laser.
Now, PicoSure is a more powerful and effective laser machine compared to RevLite. The laser serves a non-invasive treatment for your skin with no downtime.

How can you get the treatment?
Visit the Blink Beauty Clinic for free assessment and consultation. The expert team that consists of Skin Specialist & Aesthetic Specialist will assess your skin and operate PicoSure. Treatments at Blink Beauty Clinic are non-invasive, comfortable and take about 25 minutes to 1 hour.
Blink Beauty Clinic’s loyal customers include a range of celebrities, socialites, supermodels and all other individuals looking for the best treatments in town! To name a few, loyal customers include Nia Ramadhani Bakrie, Dian Muljadi, Dita Soedarjo, Rosalindynata Gunawan, Juliana Kumala, Fitria Yusuf, Ryan Ogilvy, and even Bunga Citra Lestari who first started as a customer at Blink Beauty Clinic.
Schedule your treatment session now! Go to Blink Beauty Clinic
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