We’ve all been there. You’re working on a tight deadline and you still have a lot of more work to do, but you feel frustrated and overwhelmed because you are out of energy. Forget about reaching for the French Press. Instead, reach for a FORTO Coffee Shot. This organic energizer comes in several flavors including Vanilla Latte and Hershey’s Chocolate Latte. However, I would like to see more flavors in the future. You can choose from shots of 100mg or 200mg of caffeine. Order several packs today!
Mistress Susan’s Secret Tip: My favorite is the Chocolate Latte 200mg because it gives me a super, super energy boost.
Disclosure: I have been given FORTO Coffee as part of a product review. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. Mistress Susan TV prides itself on providing honest reviews, which is why an area for improvements is listed for each product.