Today is the first day of autumn. It’s time to shed bad habits and review and renew or revise your wellness goals, including fitness, nutrition, meditation, sex and sleep — the one that’s often forgotten. Your goals should be simple/specific, measurable, relevant/realistic and time-bound or you will make it harder to achieve your milestones. Here’s what I am working on the rest of the year:
- Get 6 hours of sleep at night and take a 15-minute afternoon nap. Trust me, this is an improvement over my 3-hour night snoozes.
- Continue to follow the Paleo diet. I thought about trying the Keto diet.
- Get into bodybuilding. Find a gym or studio that offers training in Atlanta. Lift weights at least 4 times weekly.
- Participate in 3 (5K) races.
- Socialize with my running group weekly for 75 minutes.
- Meditate and write in my gratitude journal nightly for an hour.
- Be mindful of my posture.
- Do tai chi daily for 30 minutes.
- Read a good mystery.
Mistress Susan Secret Tip: Whether you are trying to lose 80 pounds, improve your overall wellness or take your fitness game to the next level, it’s the season to take action. Leave a comment about your goals for fall.
*Image from Bing.