#Hashtag: Who let the dogs out?

It’s the dawn of the Dog Year. We’re glad men’s best friend, the eleventh of all Chinese zodiac animals, is finally in the spotlight again. There’s plenty of dog decorations and luxury goodies to go around but on our Instagram feed (@prestigesg), we’ve noticed the real furry four-legged creatures already adding joy to families for years.

Here, we’ve selected some perfect pooches, the canines of choice, cared for by our readers.

Dylan and Marley the English Pointers, and Chubby the Husky

Emil Teo (@emilnteo), who runs fine wine distribution company, Taste of Tradition, and his family own three dogs: a husky named Chubby and two English Pointers called Dylan and Marley.

They were given by people who needed to find new homes for their dogs due to various circumstances. “I would not call these rescues,” Teo explains.

According to Teo, all his dogs are of good temperament. They enjoy when the kids roll all over them. “You will find my kids, and maybe — ahem — me, lying on the floor and hugging them. They are most happy with the attention,” Teo says.

The dogs are also known to lounge about the house most of the time and are very efficient to let the family know when people arrive.

TimTam, or Timmy, the Pomeranian

Dog Year

Lawyer and fitness enthusiast Meaghan See has a seven-year-old Pomeranian named TimTam or Timmy. She got him as a birthday gift from her aunt.

“His eyes melt all hearts,” See says. “He’s also always hungry and wants a treat 99 per cent of the time. And with those eyes, he almost always gets a treat.”

TimTam recently sprained his neck, making him very timid and sensitive. But that doesn’t stop the loving Pomeranian from spending time cuddling and playing with See when she comes home.

“I’ve also been in bed recently and he’s been accompanying me all day, just resting by my side or beside my bed, peeking at me every now and then to make sure I’m okay,” See shares.

Jade the Husky

Dog Year

Dr Ivan Ng has had a career spanning over 20 years. But on his downtime, the Neurosurgery Partners co-founder enjoys spending his time at home with his wife and kids plus their cats and dogs. A constant in his life who is almost as big as his eldest daughter, Abigail, is his 17-year-old Husky named Jade.

Guiness the Rottweiler

Joshua Tay’s (@jostay) Rottweiler sure is a handsome chap. Named Guiness, he loves tennis balls, swimming, and running, but is afraid of needles.

Follow us on Instagram (@prestigesg) and remember to hashtag #PrestigeSG if you want to be featured in our next #Hashtag online column. We’re looking for #SuperCar next.

The post #Hashtag: Who let the dogs out? appeared first on Prestige Online - Hong Kong.

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