You could have an arsenal of skincare that works magic on your skin, but there's one thing you can't achieve from a little jar: that highlighter glow. These nifty little shimmer tools aren't the easiest to master, but as always, practice makes perfect. And when you finally nail that swift stroke of highlight, you get a healthy shine that instantly perks up your complexion. So if you need a few pointers, be sure you're not committing these highlighter sins:
#1 Applying too much, too early
When it comes to makeup, you never want to go full-on. With highlighter especially, it's best to apply as the last step in your makeup process so it looks like a nice glow and not oily skin buried under your blush. And, keep it light. You want your highlighter to pop, not conquer.
Do this: Lightly dust your highlighter onto a fan brush, dust or blow lightly, and sweep gently onto the areas of your face you intend to highlight.
#2 Hitting the wrong spots
There are parts of the face that do well highlighted, and parts that don't. The inner corners of the eyes, bridge of the most, tops of the cheekbones and cupids bow look amazing with a little shimmer. However, the apples of your cheeks should be reserved solely for blush, and you want to keep your forehead away from highlighter too, if not for just a light touch in the centre -- remember to blend that well!
Do this: There's an old trick makeup artists use to pinpoint the areas that need to be highlighted for different faces -- shinning a torchlight right above the face to see where the light hits. These are the exact spots to highlight.
#3 Going too bright, or too dark
While some brands carry just one shade of highlighter, more and more are coming up with highlighters in various shades. We applaud this move because just like foundation, highlighters aren't one-shade-fits-all. Tanned complexions pop with peachy bronzers, and fair complexions look stunning with pearly whites or pinks.
Do this: Choose a highlighter shade that's somewhere between your foundation shade and blush. A good tip is to go with the shade that most closely resembles the light eyeshadow you use right below your brow bone.
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And finally, we've picked five highlighters that are absolute gems:
The post Highlighter Mistakes You Could Be Making, And How To Fix Them appeared first on Prestige Online - Hong Kong.