Like all businesses that had to rethink their models during the pandemic, Fresh Rx pivoted from farm-to-table fundraising dinners to private dining experiences that bring the farm to your home. The initiative, which was founded on the belief that diet is fundamental to overall health, is now delivering chef-prepared, four-course meals via the Farm to Your Doorstep program.
As the name suggests, each meal is delivered to your door, with every component properly portioned, labeled, and packaged. A handy instruction sheet demystifies the heating and plating process, allowing anyone to assemble a restaurant-quality dish.
A recent meal, prepared by chefs Jimmy Everett of Driftwood and Michael Hackman of Aioli, included a trio of appetizers, a harvest salad with Fresh Rx’s excellent fig balsamic dressing, and entrees like grilled broccoli steak with local mushrooms and local cobia and romesco with roasted turnips, bok choy, and seaweed chimichurri. Hackman’s peppermint cheesecake (if it isn’t world-famous, it should be) and a spiced berry cordial by mixologist Jules Aron rounded out the menu, which was as satisfying as it was virtuous.
The post Home Gourmet appeared first on Palm Beach Illustrated.