Paris during fashion week becomes magical. Tour around its streets full of history and beauty on board of this new Fiat 500c was an emotion! Because the style is something that does not stop to the dress or to an accessory! What I think about new Fiat 500c and about the new range of bold colors , you will know by reading the article published in the magazine online Les Voitures.
I report here some excerpts from my interview that explain my choice of style and some of my favorite images of this day!
… I chose a chic outfits, high heels and a black-glam shopping bag, following my usual style.
But the sweetness chromatic of this car, it inspires me also more sophisticated outfits for the evening and sporty looks for the day.
The new Fiat 500 is quality and style. Its new color palette leaves a woman free to choose what is best suited to her personality … “
You can read more here: Les Voitures
L'articolo Italian Luxury in Paris proviene da La Coquette Italienne.