Jessica Simpson Shares Shocking ‘Unrecognizable’ Photo From the Day She Decided to Quit Drinking and Get Sober

Jessica Simpson detailed in her 2020 memoir, Open Book, about how her tipping point to get sober was after a day of blackout drinking on Halloween 2017. Now, the entrepreneur has shared a shocking photo of what she looked like the next morning, and as Jess herself put it, she looked “unrecognizable.”

In the November 1, 2021, Instagram post, the makeup-free singer’s face is heavily bloated, as she’s seen looking sad while a swath of sunlight hits her through a window. The shadow of someone taking her photo is seen in the corner, as the mother of three seemed to want to document the moment.

“This person in the early morning of Nov 1, 2017, is an unrecognizable version of myself,” Jessica began in the caption. “I had so much self-discovery to unlock and explore. I knew in this very moment I would allow myself to take back my light, show victory over my internal battle of self-respect, and brave this world with piercing clarity,” she continued.

Jessica Simpson Unrecognizable Photo Drinking

“Personally, to do this I needed to stop drinking alcohol because it kept my mind and heart circling in the same direction and quite honestly, I was exhausted. I wanted to feel the pain so I could carry it like a badge of honor. I wanted to live as a leader does and break cycles to advance forward — never looking back with regret and remorse over any choice I have made and would make for the rest of my time here within this beautiful world,” Jessica explained.

“I can’t believe it has been 4 years! It feels like maybe 2. I think that is a good thing. Ha,” she wrote, adding, “There is so much stigma around the word alcoholism or the label of an alcoholic. The real work that needed to be done in my life was to actually accept failure, pain, brokenness, and self-sabotage. The drinking wasn’t the issue. I was. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t respect my own power. Today I do. I have made nice with the fears, and I have accepted the parts of my life that are just sad. I own my personal power with soulful courage. I am wildly honest and comfortably open. I am free.”

In her memoir, Jessica revealed that on Halloween 2017, “It was 7:30 in the morning, and I’d already had a drink.” Later that day, when it came time to get her kids into their costumes, Jessica was unable to help. “I was terrified of letting them see me in that shape,” the entrepreneur wrote, adding, “I am ashamed to say that I don’t know who got them into their costumes that night.”

The following morning when the photo was taken, Jess admitted,“I slept in, afraid to see them, afraid I had failed them. I hid until they left, then drank.” A close circle of friends came over and confronted the singer about their concerns. Jessica finally admitted, “I need to stop. Something’s got to stop. And if it’s alcohol that’s doing this and making things worse, then I quit.” She’s remained sober ever since.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

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