Ooozing melting cheese goo strands dropping from the sides of a toasted iron pressed sandwich, club together with spicy chorizo slices and rocket. Hell yeh! My trip to Maltby Street on a rainy day in London was totally worth it. Maltby Street is my mecca, has exploded with even more restaurants, and stalls even extending the opening hours for Sundays.
Ok, my trip was solely just to pick up those naughty doughnuts from St Johns, round spheres of fluffy dough with addictive fillings, but seeing the queue for The Cheese Truck, I just had to.
I love cheese, and so do the owners of The Cheese Truck, so many variations it goes with everything, you can think of. One of the finest grilled cheese sandwiches you can get, using pagnotta sourdough bread. The tabletop is filled with sandwiches ready to be ordered. Bite into melted cheese sensation. Go on, climb out of your bed for the weekend, wake up and smell the cheese.