Cue the dramatic theatrical stage music, and gleaming spotlights. The monstrous dino ribs come at a staggering 21-inch and 2.5 kg.

The ribs are marinated in their own special BBQ sauce recipe, and are left over night for about 12 hours so it can soak up the marinade. It is then slow cooked for 12-14 hours.

The dino ribs are not for the faint hearted, and for serious eaters and need to be ordered 3 days in advanced.
My Monday dinner crew returned to our first ever destination, the Blue’s Kitchen. Celebrating 3 people’s birthdays. We may have had a party of 10-12 people with 4 dino ribs between us, but we struggled to ever finish one between four and had to take it home.
Ripping off the ribs from the flesh, it fell off with ease. Succulent, juicy and very tender the meat had the perfect amount of seasoning. It had just the right balance with enough flavoring.
Defiantly worth trying for your greedy meat fest needs, I think one rib was around £20 each plus 2 sides.