My Expat Story: Alan Lynch

My Expat Story: Alan Lynch

A British expat in Australia

At Global Living Magazine we want to connect with our readers. We want to know what you’re all about, what you love, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. The best way to do this? Hear it straight from you!*

After six years living on Australia’s stunning Gold Coast, SEO specialist Alan Lynch made the decision to return to the UK to be closer to his extended family. Alan, who is passionate about all things digital, founded travel comparison website Compare & Choose whilst living ‘down under’ and is now pursuing this business venture in the UK. When he’s not spending time with his kids and their grandparents, you’ll most likely find Alan climbing the hills and mountains in the Lake District. Here, he shares with us the ups and downs of living as a Brit in Australia.

Where have you lived around the world? Favorite places? 

I am a born and bred Northern lad, having resided in Newcastle for most of my life. In 2012, I decided to up haul my life and made the move to Australia. The main inspiration for the move was the stark lifestyle contrast that was apparent on TV shows, like Wanted Down Under and I became determined to experience a little slice of paradise. During my time in Australia, I lived on the Northern Gold Coast, a stone throw away from surfer’s paradise. The stunning coastlines secured this as my favorite location, but I also love Cairns, in Northern Queensland and the turquoise seas of Tangalooma Island.

What is your favourite part of expatriate life?  

Australia offers a totally different lifestyle, which my family and I thrived on. The coastal surroundings and year-round sunshine made my everyday routine more laid-back and relaxed – that stress-free existence was my favourite thing about expatriate life.

What has been the hardest part?   

Watching our children grow up so far away from our extended family was the most challenging part of our relocation. My wife and I would feel guilty as they watched important celebrations, like weddings and birthdays, from a Skype call or Facetime.

Where would you want to move to eventually? 

At the moment, we’re enjoying living close to our families in Newcastle as the kids are settled in their new schools and have made new friends. Saying that, I would not rule out Australia once they’re older, despite it being so far away. My passion for mountaineering has also got us thinking about the Lakes – its amazingly picturesque and has potential to offer that relaxed lifestyle we crave, a lot closer to home!

What’s your sense of home?  

That’s an easy one for me… family!

What advice would you give to first time expats? 

Anyone considering moving their life to Australia should thoroughly research it before committing, as Australia can be very expensive. When we first moved there, we bought a large piece of land off the beaten track and built a gorgeous home. However, when we were organising our move back to the UK, we sold up and had to rent for a while. We moved closer to the beach for our final months, but the costs were extortionate – $650AUD per week (yes, that’s right, per week!). In fact, this is considered the norm on the Gold Coast, so you’ll want to review your finances.

Share anything else about your expat life that you’d like us to hear!   

While life down under does come with a hefty price tag, it’s certainly not without its benefits. You can enjoy the surf-scene at the beach, or a secluded life out in the country and literally more adventures and activities then you can imagine! We used to love spending our Saturdays as a family out on the jet-skis, we’d explore a different island every weekend and would watch as whales and dolphins swam by – it was truly breath-taking. Unfortunately, that lifestyle just isn’t practical in the UK!

[Image courtesy of Alan Lynch]

*If you’d like to be featured on our ‘My Expat Story’ section, send an email to Alison at and tell us about your experience as an expatriate by answering the above questions. Don’t forget to include a picture of yourself, the URL for your website/blog, and/or Twitter handle so we can help you connect with other expats from around the world.

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