Olympic Gymnast Jordan Chiles’ Best Bikini Photos Have the Cutest Summer Vibes!

Of course, we all know Olympic gymnast Simone Biles — but have you met her USA teammate and best friend Jordan Chiles? The athlete is just as ripped and fit as her close pal, so it’s no surprise she looks just as good in a bikini.

The Oregon-born acrobat began her gymnastics career at age 6 (just like Simone) and became part of the United States national team in 2013. She made her elite debut at the 2013 American Classic, where she collected a bronze medal in all-around and a silver medal on vault. Four years later, she made her senior debut at the 2017 American Classic, which she finished fourth in uneven bars and fifth in balance beam.

Jordan will be representing USA for the first time at the 2021 Toyko Olympics in July — and she credits her friend for helping her make the best of her skills to qualify. “Having [Biles] by my side 24/7 and giving me encouraging words every day definitely helped and it was very motivational,” she said on the Today show in June 2021. “Very happy to have someone like her.”

Simone, a four-time Olympic gold medalist who competed at the 2016 summer games in Rio de Janeiro, also spoke out about how much Jordan has improved over the years. “It’s been exciting to watch her grow in and out of the gym,” the most decorated gymnast in the world told ESPN the same month. “I see her pushing herself every day, which is inspiring.”

Jordan had a love-hate relationship with the sport over the course of her career, but her friend’s determination — and ability to not take herself too seriously — helped her remember why she loved being a gymnast. “I discovered that gymnastics doesn’t always have to be about strictness and being so hard on yourself and having so much doubt,” she told the New York Times in June 2021. “I actually realized this when I saw Simone compete. She looks like she’s having fun out there, laughing and giggling, and doesn’t look stressed or tired. I was like, ‘You know, I’m going to try that one of these days and see how it turns out.’”

It is really inspiring to see how these two women have each other’s backs. Simone even told the Washington native, “You belong here,” after she placed third at Nationals in June 2021 — the showing that gave way to her inclusion in the Olympic team.

Scroll through the gallery below to see Jordan’s best bikini photos!

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