Power of Dreams – Ananya Birla

Ananya BirlaThis is what happens when you believe in your dreams and pursue them with a noble motive of serving the mankind. Read to know more about the inspiring journey of Ananya Birla, an Indian singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur.

Who is Ananya as a person? 
I am a simple girl who is perusing her dreams. I love and live music with a vision to change the life of others with the magic of my music. Music and business are more like my lifestyle. In simple words, I am a big time workaholic and I love the way I am.

How did music happen to you?
I was pursuing the Economics and Management course at the Oxford University. Later, I had a tough phase and was surrounded by anxiety and stress, and then I started playing music, writing songs for distress. The music healed me inside in a sense and then I started gigging at clubs and bars. After analyzing myself for 2 years I realized music is where I belong and then I planned to move back. I dropped out at the Oxford and started producing my own music in India. One fine day, the Universal Music India people got to know about me and in the very first meeting, they decided to sign me. And rest, as they say, is history.

Universal Music India is your first big thing. How was the experience?
I will say it was like living the dream life. It was not easy to come where I stand today but I guess my passion to be there made it come alive and I am having every bit of it.

Singer, songwriter, activist, and entrepreneur. How do you manage so much at a young age?
I am very ambitious. My aim is to make a difference in the world with my work and music. I guess this is what keeps me active and energized. I know the art of prioritizing and am also a multi-tasker. All this makes me perform efficiently.

Anything that you want to share that people are not aware of till date. 
As I am playing different roles in real life, I have realized that I have two distinct personalities. First one is very shy and introvert, while the other one is confident and blunt. When I look back, years back I used to think makeup and cosmetics are not my things and today I wear make-up for hours and is an inseparable part of music life.

Ananya BirlaIndian music industry is very dynamic. Where do you see this music world heading towards in next 5 years?
Streams have become everything. And I guess social media has changed the game a lot. Today, people don’t need any tv channel to showcase their talent. When I drive, I prefer listening to the radio and as a means of entertainment, it has changed the taste of people a lot.

At 17 you founded Svatantra Microfin. How are you as an entrepreneur?
 I think I am only the face of the brand, but the real hard work credit goes to my dedicated team, who have stood by me and made my dream come true. We are sitting in the same building where my studio and office both exists. Once I am off the music life, they all know who I am as a boss and I guess it is all about vibes you exchange. With time, I have realized that there are four things that you need to succeed in a business and those are: right team, right people, effective communication, and values.

People connect with you because of your English music. How do you relate with Hindi Bollywood music?
English music is my passion, but as an Indian Hindi music is in my soul and blood. When I listen to Bollywood music, it touches my soul. Channa Mere Ya and Binte Dil are my favourite tracks.

 Rapid Fire

Favourite cuisine: Japanese and Lebanese
Unexplored destination in India: Rishikesh
A childhood memory that is still fresh:  In 5th grade, I won ‘Best Junior School Student’ and my parents received the award
Role model: My parents
A Bollywood movie you connect with: Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
Strongest personality trait: Emotional quotient
Love for you is: Magic
A color that defines you: White, black and anything in between (laughs)

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