Celebrity Life

duPont REGISTRY Cars and Coffee: April 2016

A cool & windy Saturday morning was the setting for this month’s Cars & Coffee here at the duPont REGISTRY. Sure, Tax Day was around the corner, but nothing could deduct the fun & camaraderie of seeing our regular attendees. In an unprecedented gathering, our showroom was blessed with several million dollars of the world’s […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – March 2016

Well, it looks like the unpredictable Florida rain is already starting to show its face, granted this past weekend’s rain were on account of a late-season cold front. Even with a sporadically rainy Saturday morning, our parking lots were still filled with incredible cars (this may have been due to Charlie Belcher of Fox 13 […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – February 2016

This past weekend, our February 2016 edition of the duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee took place, bringing hundreds of fine automobiles to our headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida. Among the cars, including a very special DeLorean that was set for the future, were some of our local clients. This included Dimmitt Automotive Group, Crown Eurocars, […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars and Coffee – Downtown St. Petersburg- January 2016

For the January 2016 duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee event, Mr. duPont chose the picturesque Museum of Fine Arts in downtown St. Petersburg at Straub Park. Volunteers from the Boys & Girls Club and Berkshire Hathaway helped us promote the first C&C of 2016, and we were welcomed by a packed field before 8 o’clock. We don’t like turning […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee Tenth Anniversary- December 2015

It has been ten years since we began having our monthly Cars & Coffee event, making the event held on December 19 a very special one. The night before the gathering and the morning of saw temperatures in the mid 40’s which motivated many to arrive sporting the latest in Arctic fashion. Even though guests […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – November 2015

Every month we have a great showing of cars at our Cars & Coffee event, but the cooler months definitely draw out the large crowds. Example #1: our recent November edition of our Cars & Coffee. Cars started showing up at around 5:50 a.m., before the sun even thought about creeping up. As the cars […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – October 2015

The cool Florida mornings have finally arrived for our Cars & Coffee event this month, making the gathering more enjoyable than ever. Guests from all around the state woke up extra early to catch the crisp morning air, packing up our lots before the clock hit 7 am. There were cars of all makes, models […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – September 2015

Long before the sun cracked through a low layer of clouds, when much of Tampa Bay was still sound asleep, a massive crowd gathered in the parking lots surrounding our St. Petersburg headquarters, kicking off what became one of our largest Cars & Coffee events to date. The main lots were full up well before […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – August 2015

The sun was creeping up, the lot was already full and the local enthusiasts were arriving by the carload at 7 am Aug. 15, as one of our biggest Cars & Coffee events of the year kicked off. Despite the threat of summer heat and weeks of rain storms, hundreds of people turned out for […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – July 2015

Though the forecast throughout the week had predicted a day full of storms, the morning of July 18 instead saw plenty of sunshine and a large crowd at our headquarters for the monthly duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee car show. The crowd was a tad thinner than usual, but that didn’t prevent the parking lots […]

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duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee – June 2015

It was the beginning of the longest day of the year with some of the hottest temperatures so far this summer, but the long hours of sunlight and rising temperatures ahead didn’t deter a large crowd of enthusiasts. Nearly 1,000 spectators gathered for the monthly duPont REGISTRY Cars & Coffee gathering, making for one of […]

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Cars & Coffee St. Petersburg – May 2015

Temperatures have been climbing higher and higher each day here in Florida, but an earlier sunrise and summer weather didn’t deter anyone from coming out for our monthly Cars & Coffee gathering. From the showroom, to the parking lot of BIC next door, dozens upon dozens of gorgeous cars and even more enthusiasts filled every […]

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