Celebrity Life
From Stogies to Humidors, the 24 Best Gifts for Cigar Smokers
Light up the holidays for the smoker in your life.
Major Cigar Makers Are Exiting the Industry’s Biggest Trade Show. Here’s Why.
The move signals growing dissention within the cigar industry.
The Ultimate Coffee Table Book About Cigars Will Set You Back $1,000
Because a great stogie is a beautiful thing.
Vegas Was Made for Cigars: Here Are the 7 Best Spots to Smoke ‘Em
Sin City is the best place in the US to smoke and buy premium cigars.
This Whisky and Cigar Pairing Will Bring You Good Fortune in the Year of the Pig
Davidoff and Johnnie Walker release Year of the Pig limited editions.
The 13 Best Cigars of 2018
Singular cigars from top purveyors like Davidoff, Romeo y Julieta, and Rocky Patel that set our passions ablaze this past year.
Davidoff Cooks up a Michelin Starred Cigar
Noted chefs like Thomas Keller helped craft the Davidoff Chefs Edition - 50th Anniversary cigar.
Davidoff’s White Band Cigar Celebrates 50 Years
Diademas Finas represents a classic Cuban shape for the iconic brand.
The 20 Best Cigars That Smoke Like Cubans
Looking for an alternative to Cuban cigars? Here’s our list of the best 20, from mild to robust.
In Spite of Turmoil, Nicaragua’s Cigars Keep on Rolling
Cigar makers weigh in on the reality of producing premium smokes in a dangerous time.
Johnnie Walker and Davidoff Celebrate the Year of the Dog
A limited-edition whisky and cigar were created to commemorate the 2018 Chinese New Year.
The 10 Top Cigar Stories of 2017
From roll-your-own stogie camps to exclusive humidors and an annual whisky and cigar pairing, these are some of the smokin’ stories readers loved this year.
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