Celebrity Life

Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump Are Fundraising Laps Around Their MAGA Primary Opponents

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) has raised over 10 times as much as her Trump-backed challenger

Trump Allies Schemed to Use NSA Data to Try to Prove Foreign Election Meddling: Memo

The legally murky strategy "would have been a radical departure from normal procedure," one cybersecurity expert told The Washington Post

Trump Mused About Blanket Jan. 6 Pardons Before Leaving White House: Report

Last week, Trump suggested pardoning people who stormed the Capitol. A new report suggests it's an idea he's been kicking around for a long, long time

Trump Bashing Lindsey Graham as a RINO Is Exactly What Both of Them Want

The former president and his lapdog from South Carolina have fallen into a familiar routine over the idea of pardoning Jan. 6 rioters

Too Much Vino and Project Veritas: My Extremely Weird Evening with James O’Keefe

I thought I was attending a book launch party. Then came the hagiographic techno-cabaret

Trump Really, Really Wanted the Government to Seize Voting Machines: Report

The former president and his inner circle of quacks tried, tried, and tried again to figure out how the government could get ahold of the state-run machines

Georgia Prosecutor Asks FBI For Security Help After Trump Sicced His Fans on Investigations

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is asking for federal help after the former president called for protests if her investigation doesn't go his way

Trump Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Overturning the 2020 Election

The former president responded to a bipartisan effort to reform the Electoral Count Act by griping that Mike Pence didn't "overturn" Biden's win

Confederate Flags, Conspiracies, and the Ghost of JFK Jr.: What I Saw at Trump’s Bananas Texas Rally

It’s part roadshow and part religious revival, but the show is a grift and the religion being revived is fascism

Trump Dangles Pardons for Jan. 6 Rioters in Texas Rally Speech

“If I run, and if I win, we will treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly," the former president on Saturday in Texas, teasing a 2024 run. "And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons"

Ray J Meets With Donald Trump In Mar-A-Lago Under Huge Photo of Kim Jong-Un

The R&B singer posed for a photo with the former president underneath a picture of his meeting with the North Korean leader.

Lara Trump Talks Political ‘War,’ ‘Good Versus Evil’ in Extremist Heart of Texas

“We need to take this country back,” Lara said. “And it starts right here in Texas”
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