Celebrity Life

Defense Can’t Escape the Totality of the Evidence Against Ghislaine Maxwell

Witnesses have described a woman lurking in the background and enabling a sex offender

Defense Can’t Escape the Totality of the Evidence Against Ghislaine Maxwell

Witnesses have described a woman lurking in the background and enabling a sex offender

Prosecution Saved Strongest Testimony for Last in Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

Prosecution rested its case after interviewing Annie Farmer, the only Epstein accuser to use her full name, as well as her mother and former boyfriend

Final Accuser’s Testimony in Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Delayed By Lawyer Illness

Jurors were expecting to hear from the state’s final accuser. Instead, the judge announced a lawyer had fallen ill and sent the jury home less than hour after the day began.

Epstein Pilot’s Private Flight Log Confirms Accusers, Famous Friends Flew With Ghislaine Maxwell

Judge Alison Nathan told prosecutors to provide a less redacted version of former Epstein pilot David Rodgers' personal flight logs

A ‘Chilling Factor’ for Victims: Ghislaine Maxwell Lawyer Drops Anonymous Accusers’ Real Names in Court

Adam Horowitz, who previously has represented Epstein accusers, says these apparent mistakes could discourage future whistleblowers from coming forward

‘She Is Posing for Me’: What a Courtroom Sketch Artist Sees in Ghislaine Maxwell

A sketch of Maxwell drawing courtroom artist Jane Rosenberg went viral. "She does a lot of hugging and kissing of her lawyers in the courtroom. That's quite unusual," Rosenberg says

3 Takeaways From the First Week of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Sex-Trafficking Trial

Jeffrey Epstein's former domestic employee said no visitor ever complained to him. "I wish they would’ve," he said. "I would’ve done something to stop it.”

‘$100 Bills in Every Car’: Ex-Epstein Employee Details Ghislaine Maxwell’s Demands

Juan Alessi, who worked at Jeffrey Epstein's home in Palm Beach, testified in court about the increasingly intense requests Maxwell made to staff on the late financier's behalf

Epstein Accuser Questions FBI Account of Her Alleged Abuse in Maxwell Trial Testimony

Defense attorneys went hard after the anonymous 'Jane,' but she stood behind her story

Ghislaine Maxwell Was Second in Command on Jeffrey Epstein’s Celeb-Packed Private Jet: Testimony

Jeffrey Epstein's former pilot testified that he saws Bill Clinton, Donal Trump, Kevin Spacey, and other famous names, though he said he didn't see any evidence of sexual activity

‘Pyramid Scheme of Abuse’: Prosecutors Torch Ghislaine Maxwell on Day One of Her Trial

Prosecution argued that “she was setting young girls up to be molested by a predator," while the defense said she was being blamed for the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein
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