Celebrity Life
Carlsberg’s Chinese New Year Dinner
[Event] Chinese emperor, pretty girls, beauty queens and lots of beer! I’ve attended quite a fair bit of Carlsberg Malaysia’sContinue Reading
Carlsberg’s Chinese New Year Dinner
[Event] Chinese emperor, pretty girls, beauty queens and lots of beer! I’ve attended quite a fair bit of Carlsberg Malaysia’sContinue Reading
Carlsberg’s Chinese New Year Dinner
[Event] Chinese emperor, pretty girls, beauty queens and lots of beer! I’ve attended quite a fair bit of Carlsberg Malaysia’sContinue Reading
GAB’s Chinese New Year 2013 Promotion Launch
[Event] Now there are two (2) places in Malaysia where you can find the freshest beer and of course theyContinue Reading
GAB’s Chinese New Year 2013 Promotion Launch
[Event] Now there are two (2) places in Malaysia where you can find the freshest beer and of course theyContinue Reading
GAB’s Chinese New Year 2013 Promotion Launch
[Event] Now there are two (2) places in Malaysia where you can find the freshest beer and of course theyContinue Reading
Moto GP 2012 @ Sepang International Circuit
[Event] I was invited to go to the Marlboro M-Scape VIP Lounge in conjunction with the Moto GP last SaturdayContinue Reading
Moto GP 2012 @ Sepang International Circuit
[Event] I was invited to go to the Marlboro M-Scape VIP Lounge in conjunction with the Moto GP last SaturdayContinue Reading
Moto GP 2012 @ Sepang International Circuit
[Event] I was invited to go to the Marlboro M-Scape VIP Lounge in conjunction with the Moto GP last SaturdayContinue Reading
David Guetta Live in Kuala Lumpur 121012
[Event] Headed down to the Sepang International Circuit on 12 October 2012 for the David Guetta Live in KL raveContinue Reading
Heineken New Bottle Launch Featuring DJ Ferry Corsten 110712
[Event] Remember my post about the new Heineken bottle? If not you can read about it here – https://timchew.net/2012/07/03/upcoming-event-heineken-new-bottle-launch/ I’veContinue Reading
Carlsberg’s UEFA EURO 2012 Viewing Party
[ADV] UEFA EURO 2012 – Europe’s premier footballing competition has started and to celebrate this momentous occasion in the worldContinue Reading