Celebrity Life

The Most Powerful Court in the U.S. Is About to Decide the Fate of the Most Vulnerable Children

When child custody cases come before family courts, judges endeavor to base their rulings on the best interests of the child. Overall, the court is less interested in which parent might have the most right to the children than in how best to help the children thrive. The Supreme Court might now be walking a…

The Growing Anti-Democratic Threat of Christian Nationalism in the U.S.

On January 6th, 2021, insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol in order to “Stop the Steal” and delay the certification of President-elect Biden’s electoral college victory. Christian flags, crosses on t-shirts, “Jesus Saves” signs, and prayers for victory in Jesus’ name were now-famously conspicuous among the mob. By early April, the Brennan Center for Justice reported…

‘I Don’t Think You’re Going to Be Eating Tonight.’ Muslims Describe Ramadan in U.S. Prisons

For many Muslim prisoners in Virginia and nationwide, Ramadan has for years entailed not getting enough food, being lucky if food even arrives during a time when you can eat, jumping through hoops to possess religious items as well as fundamental misunderstandings about key components of the faith by prison staff.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims Are Reclaiming Ancient Psychedelic Practices, And That Could Help With Legalization

Some advocates are focusing on the spiritual side of psychedelics as a way to decriminalize through religious exemption

What an Expert on Evangelicals and Sex Says About the Atlanta Shooter’s Claim He Had a Sex Addiction

On March 16, a gunman shot nine people in three Asian spas in Georgia, and killed eight. The Atlanta Police Department said the shooter told them that he was a sex addict and was seeking to eliminate the temptation that he perceived these outlets represented. It’s not completely clear that sex work took place at…

How the Christian Right Helped Foment Insurrection

Christian-right activists inside and outside of government promoted the election fraud lie and claimed God told them to “let the church roar”

Theologian Russell Moore Has a Message for Christians Who Still Worship Donald Trump

The past few years have not been an easy time to be God’s lobbyist. A lot of folks claiming to represent the Almighty have been jostling for space in the corridors of Washington, with a lot of conflicting agendas. Their methods often seem mutually exclusive with the Christian tenet that one should love one’s neighbor.…

Laws Against ‘Love Jihad’ Are Yet Another Serious Attack on India’s Once Secular Democracy

In the new India, Hindus are more equal than others

Trip to the baha’i temple

Trip to the baha'i temple

A little while ago we visited the Casa de Adoracion de Baha’i (the Baha’i temple) in Penalolen. It’s glorious moment of calm, just a short…

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Trip to the baha’i temple

Trip to the baha'i temple

A little while ago we visited the Casa de Adoracion de Baha’i (the Baha’i temple) in Penalolen. It’s glorious moment of calm, just a short…

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Why we should all pray (including atheists like me)

Why we should all pray (including atheists like me)

I’m atheist and I pray. No, I’m not agnostic. I’m not harboring a subconscious desire to convert. I don’t believe in any god in any form.…

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