The fine art of satisfaction – Deepshikha Deshmukh

Talent knows no boundaries and Deepshikha Deshmukh is a live example of it. She is a loving mother, a young producer, and a dynamic entrepreneur and a woman of substance who believes in telling stories differently. She made her debut with Sarabjit as a producer and won accolades at the Cannes Film Festival 2016. Balancing her dreams, later she started her own skin nutrition brand – Love Organically. In conversation with TMM, she talked about everything that drives her as an individual.

You belong to a family that is closely associated with Bollywood. How has been your childhood? Were you ever tempted to be on the silver screen?
 As kids, we went for all our papa’s film shoots, but my mom brought us up very grounded, we were a typical middle-class family setup and whatever we are today we owe it to our mom. Don’t know why I keep getting asked about joining the silver screen quite often. I am very happy, consumed and content with the four roles that I am playing- that of a wife, a mom, a producer, and an entrepreneur. I am not fascinated to opt any more roles as of now.

You are a supporter of regional cinema. In your opinion, what needs to be done to promote the fraternity on a large scale? Explain.
 My father has always believed in backing newer cinema, new age stories, discovering new territories and newer audiences.  Also, I strongly believe that language has never been a barrier to tell good stories. Regional cinema has a lot of potentials and it must be backed. Regional cinema gives a platform to newer talents, one gets to learn & understand different types of the cultural ethos. And mushrooming cinema-plex’s in smaller towns’ gives a boost to the regional cinema and the government should help promote more filmmakers from regional cinema.

You are a wife, a mother, a businesswoman. What drives you to handle so many roles?
Deepshikha DeshmukhLet me start by simply admitting that trying to strike a balance between all aspects of my life is tough. But not impossible, simply tough! Once you are a mother, you are bestowed with this power that enables you to reach out and be there for your kids at any given point of time. They become your foremost priority. But I’m on a path of learning to dedicate time to work and compartmentalize everything so that one doesn’t affect the other. I’ve got an awesome team- my family, to help me with all of this!

What was the idea behind starting Love Organically? A detailed insight of the brand and its philosophy.
Love Organically is nothing but the perfect concoction of a mother’s unconditional love and the goodness of nature, all packed into one! Our products are for you and kids, without any worry of damaging their delicate skin. Love Organically comes bearing the ‘Happy Skin Promise’, one that transforms the way you feed your skin, leaving you with a ton of freshness & happiness all through the day!

You are closely associated with nature. What would you recommend the younger generation to concentrate on for a better and greener future?
I would highly recommend the youngsters to stay as closely connected with nature as possible, from the food they eat to going to the park, and to take a walk. Plant a tree whenever you can grow a plant outside your bedroom window, just stay close to nature and see the magic it spreads in your life.

Your opinion on nepotism in the Bollywood industry.
 I agree that newer people/talent should be given a chance in the industry- that’s how my dad got a chance and came into the industry too.


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