The top health and wellness trends for summer 2021, from virtual wellness to luxury CBD oils

Do you feel like your health and wellness routine has slowly but surely become a thing of the past? Then it’s time to regain control – and to start making your wellbeing a priority once again. There’s no denying that the past twelve months have made for one of the most trying years yet in our lifetimes – and with stress, anxiety and depression at an all-time high as we attempt to adjust to the new normal, if you’ve spent it feeling somewhat frazzled then you’re certainly not alone.

With gyms closed and little to do but stay at home – where often the snack cupboards and drinks cart have been a little too tempting – many of us have let our usual nutrition and fitness routines slip, while searching for time for meditation and self care has felt as much of a challenge as searching for gold.

But, as lockdown restrictions continue to ease and life as we know it gradually starts to come back into focus, it’s the perfect time to start getting things back on track. With no more home-schooling to contend with and the gyms open once again – not to mention social occasions finally being back on the cards – it’s time to get back to our best, and these are the predicted summer trends that will help us along the way.

CBD oil

cbd oil
CBD oil has been making waves in the world of health and wellness over recent years, and today, there is barely a person out there who hasn’t heard of it

CBD oil has been making waves in the world of health and wellness over recent years, and today, there is barely a person out there who hasn’t heard of it. It might seem like we’re a little late to the party when it comes to this particular trend, but while it was once the kind of product that many talked about but few had taken the time to try, the ongoing pandemic and the increased concerns around health – not to mention the stresses and strains that have come with the entire experience – have pushed more people than ever to try natural and herbal remedies for their ailments.

THC-free hemp oils such as these have been shown to ease symptoms of stress, anxiety and even depression, so it’s little wonder their popularity has continued to surge during lockdown. And while many might have been putting off seeking help for feelings of overwhelm, as the weather warms up and we head into summer, it’s likely we’ll see most people feeling ready to do what they can to get things back on track.

Virtual wellness

fitness at home
Everything from yoga classes and meditation sessions to reiki healing have moved online

Online, at-home wellness has come into its own over the past year, as we’ve been forced to pivot to find new ways to get our fix – that is, when we’ve found the time. Sales of fitness equipment grew 170 per cent as those with space turned their homes into makeshift gyms, while everything from yoga classes and meditation sessions to reiki healing moving online – and despite many bricks-and-mortar businesses now able to open their doors as lockdown restrictions lift, many are choosing to continue to grow their online offerings instead.

We’ve been moving into the digital age for some years now, but the pandemic has served as the catalyst for more dramatic change – and with reduced running costs and access to a far larger global audience, many health and wellness practitioners have grown wise to the benefits. So too, it seems, have their customers – so it’s a trend we’ll see continuing to grow over the summer months and beyond, with even greater creativity and innovation coming into the mix.

Radical self care

fitness retreat
After a year of weathering the storm of Covid-19, many of us are in dire need of some radical self care – and summer 2021 will be the time we take back control and start making ourselves a priority once again

After a year of weathering the storm of Covid-19, many of us are in dire need of some radical self care – and summer 2021 will be the time we take back control and start making ourselves a priority once again. In fact, the rollercoaster of emotions we’ve been on for so long has prevented many of us from doing the things we know we need to do to stay on track, so over the coming months we can expect to see self care come back with a bang – and this time, it’s going radical.

The saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ has become even more pertinent of late, and from investing in therapy to sending yourself off on a wellness retreat, refilling yours has never been more important. While self care looks different for everyone, we’ll all be looking after ourselves a little better this summer – and rightly so.

Digital detoxes

yoga in a field
For a digital detox, set boundaries around your digital consumption

To put it simply, we wouldn’t have made it through the past year without technology – and from business meetings and social gatherings over Zoom to online shopping apps, we’ve relied on our laptops, tablets and mobile phones more heavily than ever.

While we have a lot to be thankful for in that respect – especially the ways in which technology has kept us connected – if you’re feeling frazzled by the constant updates, notifications and calendar invites then you’re likely not alone, and as the weather warms up and we begin to spend more time outside, many will be taking the opportunity for a digital detox.

As our reliance on our devices returns to more normal levels, many of us will be taking the opportunity to switch off and reconnect face-to-face with loved ones instead – with a focus on social time and relaxation taking centre stage.

The bottom line

Despite some lockdown restrictions still remaining in place, the summer is certainly looking brighter – and as warmer weather returns and we move gradually back towards normality, we’ll all be embracing it in the most enthusiastic of ways. After a trying year, our health – physical, mental and emotional – deserves to become our key focus, and summer 2021 will be the season we finally put ourselves first.

The post The top health and wellness trends for summer 2021, from virtual wellness to luxury CBD oils first appeared on Luxury Lifestyle Magazine.
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