Travel Guide: Santa Maria di Leuca

Where to Stay

In Santa Maria di Leuca you can mainly decide to stay in a hotel or in a villa, there are several nice places and structures in both the cases, but here below some of the best.
Luxury Villa Salento: if you like to stay in peace and in absolute privacy, this villa in a century olives tree park and in a dominant position over a hill is perfect for you. The infinity pool is great and no comfort is missing here.
If you prefer to stay in a hotel and get all the comforts of the case Villa Arditi is definitely what you need thanks to its strategical position near many great areas and thanks to its premium facilities.


What to Do

There are definitely many things and activity to do here. Our suggestion is to visit the square of the Sanctuary and the Lighthouse and then have a walk on the seafront and admire the ancient villas. Then you have to visit the caves by boat as they are wonderfull, you can do with some tours or even in private (Colaci Mare). Another choice and maybe the best is to explore the sea places by yourself, all the coast is great and we suggest not to miss the Ciolo Bridge and the Maldive of Salento. To drink a cocktail go to Gibò and enjoy one of the best views ever!

Where to EAT

Food is definitily one of the best pleasure of the area. Whether you like seafood or traditional specialties you can find the best place for you. Choose Lo Scalo Novaglie if you would like to have a premium seafood experience hearing the sound of the sea few meters from your table.
If you would like to discover a secret and very local restaurant choose La Luna di Bacco in the tiny ancient street of Gagliano: both seafood and traditional is good in this family owned restaurant. If you want to opt for traditional specialities you should not miss Retrò in Castrignano. All is great and the scenario of the location is wonderful as it is based in a very ancient palace. Finally still traditional but very very chic place is Fulana. It is in the centre of the small village Giuliano. Great food, service and wine!

What to BUY

Food, food and again food. If you go back from here you must buy some local food that you can’t find at your place. Her some suggestions. Frisa: frisa is a sort of hard to byte bread which you have to slightly wet with some water before dressing it with your favourite ingredients. Usually tomatos, olive oil and origan.
Then other two typical and exceptional products are wine and olive oil. You are really plenty of choices, either you go in a wineshop or in a tiny market make your choice and it will be good. 

We promise. Also if you like you can buy some local handicraft in one of the many shops here and there.

L'articolo Travel Guide: Santa Maria di Leuca proviene da La Coquette Italienne.

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