what it means to just let go

Darkness covers the earth, at least for those hours surrounding the work day. Every gym parking lot is full to capacity. Cliché post holiday routines are unavoidable. Keto, intermittent fasting, dry January… It’s the new year. And with it, is born a sense of motivation, purpose and the possibility of a new, brighter future.

new year resolutions

photography:JOSH WOLFE | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III


Type A and enneagram one… I know it’s overplayed. Yet, I cannot ignore the chance to re-organize and strive for something new. I don’t force myself into fad diets or a new gym routine (though perhaps I should). Instead, at the start of each year I construct a new way of seeing the world. I challenge my natural way of thinking, and strive to connect with a new reality as the world around me continues to evolve.

The universe changes. People change. We all change. If we cannot examine ourselves and decide to change, we will be lost in a world of the past. We will forget who we are. Time will trample us in our path, and we will be lost forever.

Whether for new year, a new month, a new day, or a new moment in time, I encourage you to challenge yourself introspectively. You can make the choice to become whomever you choose to be.

In 2014, I was struggling, battling perfectionism that was actually hindering my personal growth. My motto was, Striving for perfection is in vain, instead, succeed in making progress.” – Kristina

That change of mindset helped me conquer procrastination, refusing to start things I didn’t feel I could accomplish flawlessly. It helped me to tackle one thing at a time. It channeled my focus.

2018 I found myself deep into the world of fashion blogging, pushing my career, and channeling a part of me very directionally to succeed. My mantra “Live without chains.” As a perfectionist taking over the world of fashion had become overwhelming. I felt I was tied to my reality, rather than living my dreams.

The change in perspective allowed me the freedom to be myself, even amidst strong expectations from from the rest of the world. I realized success was nothing if I lost myself along the way. Keywords, job titles, brands all lost their control over my life, and I began to slowly once again start a path of continued self discovery.

2020 marks a colossal shift in time. The beginning of not only a new year, but a new decade. I wanted my new mindset to be something big, something I would remember. This year… I have promised myself to learn to let go.

What does it mean to let go? For me, many things. For some, letting go means giving up. Abandoning the fight. Loosing something they love. I challenge you to see it in a new light. Letting go can also mean embracing freedom. Such is the nucleus of this year’s resolution.

Sometimes we have chains that even we ourselves cannot see without deep, thoughtful moments of silence. Who we are and the choices we make are often driven by a much deeper inner sanctuary of our motivations. Discover who you are in that place.

There, you can finally identify what truly drives you. For those positive things, embrace them nurture them. For those that drive fear, anxiety or insecurities, let them go.

Let go pre-conceived notions on “how you thought” life would be. Embrace what life is today. Let go of who you’ve always felt people have expected you to be. Become who you decide you want to be. You have an incredible power. A force of live that you and only you control.

Wield it, and wield it wisely. You just might be surprised how much your life can change in the new decade. This year my life will be full of changes. Weeding out anything that does not belong. First interpretation, I weeded out my wardrobe back core luxury essentials. It’s a small step, but the physical action of a psychological choice feels good. Learn to let go, and live free.

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