Buying sneakers used to be the cheap option. While leather shoes have remained at a fairly constant price, the sneaker market has been blown wide open, with prices for mesh sneakers regularly topping those of genuine, artisanal leather shoes. While this explosion in popularity has turned many off the world of sneakers, we’re here to say that it’s still possible to find a decent pair of high tops for less than $300.
Sure, even $300 feels like a lot to drop on sneakers, but as a budget it works well, allowing you to access the world of collaborations and rare sneakers without breaking the bank. High-top sneakers have seen a resurgence alongside the uptick in retro styles and, with labels like Nike and adidas YEEZY seemingly releasing an internet-breaking shoe each week, the high-top has never looked stronger.
That also means that it’s never been a more difficult time to cop a pair of high-tops for less than $300. We’ve teamed up with Stadium Goods to prove that it’s still possible.
The Air Jordan 12 Retro is a Jordan silhouette that hasn’t yet been picked up by the hype machine, so you can still bag beautiful pairs without the 400 percent premium.
Summer 2021 was a very strong season for the Jumpman. So strong that some releases fell under the radar slightly. The Racer Blue 3 lost out on newsfeed space to more hyped releases but it’s one of our standout drops.
The Nike Dunk High may not have been as popular as the Low this year, but it’s still had its fair share of hype surrounding it. The fragment design Beijing collaboration is an instant classic with its rich purple & black palette.
The adidas YEEZY partnership is one of the most prolific sneaker collaborations ever. Every week sees a new colorway or model, but some stand the test of time. The 500 High Tactile Orange has been on our mind since it dropped in May this year.
Much of the adidas YEEZY range takes its inspiration from sportswear, but the YEEZY BSKTBL is perhaps the most obviously performance-based silhouette from the partnership.
We love commemorative pairs. It always adds an extra angle to a shoe, and it often positions it as a collector’s piece. This pair pays homage to the 2021 NBA All-Star game and features glittering marbled overlays against a soft Barely Green backdrop.
Made in collaboration with Japanese streetwear label READYMADE, the Nike Blazer gets a complete revamp while retaining its central characteristics. Yuta Hosokawa describes his take on the Blazer as a “deconstructed look that doesn’t lose sight of the model’s DNA.”
We’re always here for a reupped old-school colorway. The original Stealth dropped way back in 2006 and the colorway still hasn’t lost any of its charm.
Dropping earlier this year, the Nike Air Jordan 1 High OG Pollen was a hit with fans of the Swoosh thanks to its iconic color palette. The two-tone black & grey look is a rare but well-loved combination and this pair nodded to the fan-favorite Wu-Tang iteration.
While heading up Dior and Fendi, Kim Jones still has enough time to drop wild collaborations with names like Nike and Converse. The Utility Wave High puts a technical spin on the iconic Chuck Taylor 70.
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