- People think that the world is getting worse, but perhaps that’s not the case. Perhaps instead of the distortions brought to us, what’s really going on perhaps is the tremendous progress we made over the last century by a series of forces that are in fact accelerating to a point that we have the potential in the next three decades to create a world of abundance.
- Now that does not mean we don’t have our set of problems — climate crisis, species extinction, water energy shortage — we surely do, and as humans we are far better at seeing the problems way in advance but ultimately we knock them down.
- So let’s look at what this last century has been to see where we’re going. Over the last 100 years the average human life span has more than doubled. Average per capita income, adjusted for inflation, around the world has tripled. Childhood mortality has come down a factor of 10. Add to that the costs of food, electricity, transportation, communication have dropped ten to a thousand-fold.
- We’re in fact living during the most peaceful prime ever in human history. Global literacy has gone from twenty five percent to over eighty percent in the last hundred and thirty years.
- We truly are living in an extraordinary time, and many people forget this. And we keep setting our expectations higher and higher. In fact, we redefine what poverty means. Think of this, in America today the majority of people under the poverty line still have electricity, water, toilets, refrigerators, television, mobile phones, air conditioning and cars. The wealthiest robber baron of the last century, the emperors on this planet, could never dream of such luxuries.
- Underpinning much of this is technology. And, of late, exponentially growing technology.
- Any tool that becomes an information technology jumps on this curb on Moore’s Law and experiences price/performance doubling every 12 to 24 months. That’s why the cellphone in our pocket is really a million times cheaper, two thousand times faster that a supercomputer in the seventies….
- So when we think about creating abundance, it’s not about creating a life of luxury. It’s about creating a life of possibility. It is about taking that which was scarce and making it abundant. You see, scarcity is contextual. And technology is a resource, a liberating force….
- We think about energy scarcity when we are on a planet that is bathed with 5,000 times more energy then we use in a year. Sixteen terrawatts of energy hit the earth’s surface every 88 minutes. It’s not about being scarce, it’s about accessibility.
- And there’s good news here. For the first time this year the cost of solar-generated electricity is 50 percent that of diesel-generated electricity in India: 8.8 rupees versus 17 rupees. The cost of solar dropped 50 percent last year. Last month MIT put out a study showing that at the end of this decade, in the sunny part of the United States, solar electricity will be six cents a kilowatt-hour compared to fifteen cents at the national average.
- And if we have abundant energy we also have abundant water… We live on a water planet. We live on a planet 70% covered by water. Yes, 97.5 percent is saltwater, 2 percent is ice, and we fight over half a percent of the water on this planet.
- But here too there is hope and there is technology coming online, not 10–20 years from now, right now. There’s nanotechnology coming on, nanomaterials.
- This technology called Slingshot that many of you may have heard of. It’s the size of a small dorm room refrigerator. It’s able to generate a thousand liters of clean drinking water a day out of any source: salt water, polluted water, latrine, at less than two cents a liter. The chairman of Coca-cola has just agreed to do a major test of hundreds of units of this in the developing world and if that pans out, which I have every confidence it will, Coca-cola will deploy this globally to 206 countries around the planet. This is the kind of innovation, empowered by this technology, that exists today.
- We’ve seen this in cell phones. My goodness, we’re gonna hit 100 percent penetration of cell phones in the developing world by the end of 2020. Think about it, that a Masai warrior on a cellphone in the middle of Kenya has better mobile comm than President Reagan did twenty-five years ago. And if they’re on a smartphone on Google they have access to more knowledge and information than President Clinton did fifteen years ago.
- They’re living in a world of information and communication abundance that no one could have ever predicted. Better than that, the things that you and I spend tens to the hundreds of thousand dollars for — GPS, HD video and still images, libraries of books and music, medical diagnostic technology — are now literally dematerializing and demonetizing into your cell phone.
- But here here is the biggest force for bringing about a world of abundance. I call it the rising billion… We just passed the 7 billion mark on earth. And. by the way. the biggest protection against the population explosion is making the world educated and healthy.
- In 2010 we are just short of two billion people online connected. By 2020 that’s going from two billion to 5 billion internet users. 3 billion new minds whom we’ve never heard from before are connecting to the global conversation. What will these people want? What will they consume? What will they desire? And rather than having economic shut down we’re about to have the biggest economic injection ever. These people represent tens of trillions of dollars injected into the global economy. And they will get healthier by using a tricorder, and will become better educated by using the Khan Academy, and, by literally being able to use 3dprinting and infinite computing, more productive than ever before.
- What gives me tremendous confidence in the future is the fact that we are now more empowered as individuals to take on the grand challenges of this planet. We have the tools with this exponential technology. We have the passion of the DIY innovator. We have the capital of the techno philanthropist. And we have three billion new minds coming online to work with us, to solve the grand challenges, to do that which we must do. We are living in to extraordinary decades up ahead.
Energy From Vacuum
- The universe can be broadly divided into space and dynamic matter with its motion governed by an intelligent scheme that permits an organized movement of all cosmic material bodies like moons, planets, stars and galaxies In addition to space and matter, another basic entity, energy, was shown to be the constituent of all universal matter as per Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, propounded at the start of this century. The interconvertibility of matter and energy extended the domain of universal reality from visible matter to invisible energy. Some recent experiments performed in USA and India and possibly in other countries too, have produced certain astonishing results as per which electrical power can be generated from absolute vacuum or space which is a phenomenon hitherto unknown. This new finding shall force a positive conclusion on substantial reality of space and will further enlarge the domain of basic reality from matter and energy, as known today, to the whole of the universal space.
- Electric power is a phenomenon of current flow in an electrical conductor at some voltage or electric pressure. On the nature of electric current, it was discovered by the close of 19th century, that it is constituted of electrons, the subatomic particles that carry basic unit of electric charge. In electric power generators, electrons are produced from atoms of a conductor as it cuts through a magnetic field, and external power is therefore required to produce electrons and make them flow in load circuit. The external sources of power in modern technology of power generation, are mainly thermal, hydroelectric and nuclear. Electric power production, today is a process of conversion of energy from one form to another rather than ‘generation’ in a true sense. Whereas the newly discovered process of generation of electric power from ‘absolute vacuum’ does not need any raw material like coal, nuclear fuel or a hydrogen source.At the face of it, it sounds unbelievable, that vacuum which is considered by current scientific theories as a void or a state of nothingness can ever generate energy out of its own substratum. As per modern physics while ‘absolute vacuum’ or ‘space’ can no doubt transmit electromagnetic energy, in the absence of universal matter and its associated energy fields, there can be no energy-content that is ‘reality’ in space. The concept of ether filling all space and atoms as ‘vortices of ether’ introduced by Rene Descartes(1596–1650) and developed to a great extent by the close of 19th century found no favour in the early 20th century. Though the domain of reality was extended from matter to energy by Einstein’s Relativity Theory, yet space devoid of universal matter ceased to have any substantiality. In the new phenomenon of space power generation (SPG) electrical power is produced by rotating at high speed conducting disc magnets or electromagnets, named as N-Generator by Bruce De Palma, a U.S. inventor. In 1978 he discovered that electrical power produced by such a device did not require an equivalent energy input to the drive motor that rotated the N-Generator. The experimental results are in violation of the ‘law of conservation of energy’ unless it is supposed that the additional energy is generated within the interatomic vacuum or space in the rotating body of the N-Generator. A new theory on space, energy and matter, Space Vortex Theory (SVT) which posits the concept of dynamic space as the most fundamental substratum of reality, and electrons as ‘vortices of space’ explains the principles behind SPG phenomenon. As per SVT, all universal matter is created from substantial space, just as bubbles, vortices and waves are produced in an ocean of water. It is space that has manifested as planets, stars and galaxies is the conclusion of SVT. Space is more fundamental than matter. There is no point in space that is devoid of reality. Thus the domain of reality already extended from matter to energy by Relativity Theory encompasses the whole of the universal space as per SVT.
- A space power generator consists of a soft-iron core on which electromagnet coils are wound. Both the coils and the iron core are rotated together, there being no relative motion between the magnetic field and the soft iron conductor of the core. A vortex of space is formed in the rotating iron, due to which electrical charge is produced, which interacts with orbital electrons of the iron atoms and sets them free. The free electrons are interacted with the magnetic field creating positive and negative polarities between which output power at high current and few volts is drawn.In the future when the newly discovered principles of SPG are made technically viable, electrical generators of capacity in tens of kilowatts and of sizes comparable with conventional electrical generators will be providing electrical power to remote regions, presently with no power distribution network and for such installations where power requirement of each unit is limited to say about 10~ kW.
- The space power generators will require initial drive before becoming self-sustaining, for which conventional diesel engines or battery power will be needed. A number of units of N-generators installed at one location can meet larger load requirements for rural electrification and may be smaller towns as well. Modern technology is well advanced to undertake construction of these new machines that do not require any such specialized items of materials that need long time development. High speed rotation of machines and collection of power at few volts but very large currents will require special attention in the development of space power generators.
- On space being filled with energy that created matter, Michelson in 1899 had remarked, “Suppose that an ether strain corresponds to an electric charge, an ether displacement to the electric current, ether vortices to the atoms; if we continue these suppositions, we arrive at what may be one of the grandest generalization of modern science, namely, that all the phenomena of the physical universe are only different manifestations of the various modes of motion of one all pervading substance, the ether”. At the close of 19th century, the concept of ether filling all space as introduced by Descartes was about to be recognized as the basic reality. Earlier to Descartes, Thales (624–546 B.C) a Greek philosopher considered water as the primary substance in the universe. The Upanishadic Rishis of Bharat, however, thousands of years ago, proclaimed that ‘Akasha’ or space is the first element that gave birth to air. From air was born fire or heat and their various combinations produced water and earth. Very rightly indeed, did the Upanishads discriminate among the five elements pinpointing the akasha as the most fundamental entity potent with energy. This experiment on generation of power from space will reestablish Vedantic philosophy of eternal existence of Akasha as a substratum, the ‘one reality’ out of which the cosmic worlds arose. The new science of space power generation will scientifically vindicate the vedantic science on the evolution of the universe.
- The N-Generator has been further developed in the USA by De Palma, Trombly and Kahn, who could generate about 45 Kw of power with an input of only 9 Kw, thus getting an incremental power ratio of output further to input, about 5. Bruce De Palma is also further developing his N- generator, trying to achieve perpetual motion. He is quite close to success. The model of space power generator built at Tarapur Atomic Power Station for demonstration of the new principle gave an incremental power ratio of output to input about 2.5. This machine is proposed to be taken to West Germany for demonstration at Hannover in an International Conference for Gravity Field Energy, that will be held there in mid-March 1987. From letters received from USA, West Germany and many other countries, it is evident that the ‘over-unity’ system which is the name given to space power generation, is catching attention of world scientists and engineers. Being an entirely new technology, it has presently some controversy too associated with its development, especially in USA. The proposed conference at Hannover being organised by Dr Hans Nieper, President, German Association of Gravity Field Energy, West Germany, Hannover, to which I have been invited to deliver a talk on ‘Space Vortex Theory’ will hopefully be an interesting forum to discuss with scientists and engineers, the new and novel phenomenon of Space Power generation.
- Today’s need for power is met by man at the cost of ecological balance that nature inherently devises through its forests, rivers, mountains end oceans, and atmospheric belt of air. The pollution of planet through excessive combustion of coal, oil and gases, deforestation and other hazards to the maintenance of clear environment in populated areas, will be prevented to a good extent with the development of power generation from Vacuum.
- Maybe it is the final jump of progress in power generation technology that energy is produced from space, which is not only the cleanest resource for power, but will also outlive all forms of cosmic matter both inanimate and animate.
- A spiritual altar (sometimes called a personal altar) is a place of focus for spiritual awakening and inner transformation. It’s where you can set intentions, express gratitude, meditate, reflect, and call on your spirit guides for help. A spiritual altar will help you to raise your vibration and deepen your connection with spirit..
Why Make a Spiritual Altar?

- Spiritual awareness helps us to live more harmoniously. Life is ultimately a spiritual journey. We are all interconnected and our planet is a sacred and divine place. The more we can cultivate this awareness, the more we can overcome the destructive thinking and global issues that threaten our world. Even though your personal spiritual awareness may seem insignificant in the scheme of things, whatever work you do to awaken, heal and transform will ultimately help to shift energy and raise consciousness at the collective level, too.
Designing a Spiritual Altar
- There is no right or wrong way to make a spiritual altar. As long as it is meaningful to you, it can be big or small, fancy or casual, busy or simple.
- Some of the items you can make your spiritual altar with are:
- Crystals, incense, candles, salt lamps, statues, paintings, shells, flowers, pine cones, feathers, photographs, trinkets, pictures, tarot and oracle cards, runes, shamanic tools, and gifts from loved ones.
- You can use the following questions to get ideas for your spiritual altar. Make a list and collect the items. You can make a basic spiritual altar today and add to it over time.
- What aspects of your life would you like to honour? What objects could symbolise those aspects?
- Which areas of spiritual seeking currently resonate with you? What can you find to symbolise those areas?
- What is your purpose or soul task? What objects could symbolise this?
- Which people have played an important role in your spiritual journey so far? Have they given you any meaningful gifts? Is there an object that could symbolise what you’ve learnt from them?
- Are there any deities you’re drawn to at the moment?
- What other items would you like to include?
How to Make a Spiritual Altar
1. Pick a Good Spot.
Find a location in your home that you can dedicate solely to your spiritual altar. Pick somewhere like a bookshelf, windowsill, mantlepiece or table. I’ve had altars in all sorts of places in different houses over the years.
2. Set up the Space.
Find a nice scarf or a piece of material and lay it across your designated space.
3. Decorate Away!
Put something special in the middle of your spiritual altar, such as a statue, a large crystal, an object or a photograph. Then, decorate around it with the rest of your sacred objects. There’s no right or wrong way to arrange your spiritual altar. Have fun and go with the flow!
How to Use a Spiritual Altar
- Spend a few minutes each morning at your spiritual altar. Call on your spirit guides and set an intention for your day.
- In the evenings, light some candles on your altar and reflect on three positive things you achieved or experienced during the day. This practice is very powerful and will help you to raise your vibration.
- Use your spiritual altar as a focal point for meditation.
- Pick a tarot card and stand it in the middle of your spiritual altar for a few days. During this time, reflect on the meaning, how this energy is manifesting, and what possible learnings there might be.
- Place objects on your spiritual altar that symbolise your goals. This will help you to manifest your goals more easily, because you’ll be sending more energy and focus to them.
- At different times throughout the year, find seasonal objects (pine cones, fresh flowers, berries etc) and place them on your spiritual altar to honour the changing of the seasons and your connection with the Earth/Gaia.
Cleaning a Spiritual Altar
- Just as it is important to get your own energy healing and rebalancing every so often, it is important to clean your spiritual altar and the objects on it from time to time, too. This symbolises letting go of the past and allowing new energies to come into your life.
- Every three months or so is a good timeframe. If you have crystals, cleanse them in salt water. Change or wash your altar cloth and give your items a good dust. Remove anything that no longer holds meaning and place new items on your spiritual altar instead.
- We’re always morphing and transforming, being and becoming…use your spiritual altar to symbolise new phases of your journey of spiritual awakening and inner transformation.
The Great Pyramid Of Giza: A Tesla-like Power Plant Built Thousands Of Years ago ?

- The Great Pyramid of Giza is regarded by many as one of the best examples of ancient energy machines. It was a Tesla-like power plant created thousands of years ago maintain ancient astronaut theorists. They suggest it was a huge ancient structure that was capable of using the Earth’s natural properties in order to create or produce a great amount of energy.
- This energy is believed to have been used by the ancient Egyptians and other cultures such as the ancient Maya and other cultures around the globe for millennia. This theory, however, has been firmly rejected by mainstream researchers.
- If we approach the history of ancient civilizations from another perspective, we will encounter that ancient civilizations around the globe were, in fact, extremely sophisticated and used advanced technologies thousands of years before mainstream science ‘reinvented them’.
- The idea that civilizations around the world have evolved from a primitive state, towards a more advanced one is something that mainstream scholars have tried to implement and place as the ultimate truth inside our society, schools and history books. However, this is not the case as numerous researchers around the globe suggest. In fact, ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we believe.
- Looking at the historical references that can be found in numerous ancient civilizations around the globe, we will find numerous patterns and details that tell a different story than the one being imposed by mainstream scholars.
- These advanced technologies were present in ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, and in North, Central and South America. Electricity, electrochemistry, electromagnetic technology, metallurgy, advanced engineering, including hydrogeology, chemistry, physics and advanced forms of mathematics and astronomy were all used thousands of years ago to great extents.
- Many researchers agree that in the distant past, electricity was widely utilized in the land of the Pharaohs, with the Baghdad battery being one of the best examples of such advanced technology. Mainstream schools, however, do not agree. But by examining the careful history and details left behind by the ancient Egyptians, a different truth is immediately revealed where we can see that sophisticated illumination techniques were used during the construction of Pyramids and other buildings in ancient Egypt.
- While mainstream scholars firmly disagree with the notion that ancient Egyptians used electricity to light up ancient buildings, many believe that there is enough evidence to support this notion. Intricate carvings demonstrate that the ancient Egyptians utilized what appear to be handheld torches that were not lit up by fire, and were, as many believe, powered by means of wireless electricity thousands of years ago.
- But these mysterious torches were not the only example in ancient Egypt. It is believed that the ancient lighthouse in Alexandria was powered by an ‘Arc lamp,’ and is another crucial piece of evidence suggesting that electricity was used in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. But, the electricity required to power such incredible structures on a daily basis could only have been provided by a regular ‘huge’ electrical source.
- This is why, many people believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza, whose purpose remains a mystery, is believed to have been used in the distant past, as some sort of giant energy machine, used to power numerous devices across Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza is considered an ancient masterpiece of engineering and architecture and one of the best –if not best– examples of ancient construction.
- While the idea that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was used as giant power plant generating free, wireless energy, is firmly rejected by mainstream scholars, this theory could explain numerous enigmas about the Pyramid itself and the sophisticated society that settled at the Nile River thousands of years ago.
- Interestingly, the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza was covered by ‘white tufa limestone,’ put together in such a way that nothing could fit in between the stones. It is noteworthy to mention that the ‘white tufa limestone’ used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza does not contain magnesium and has very high insulating properties. It is believed that this sophisticated insulation property allowed the ancient Egyptians to fully control the release of energy from within the Pyramid.
- In addition, to the outer casing, the stone blocks used in the inner parts of the Great Pyramid were made from another form of limestone, which contains small amounts of crystals and metals which are believed to be two important properties that allowed maximum power transmission. Even more interestingly is the fact that the shafts built inside the Great pyramid were made of granite, and is a slightly radioactive substance permitting the ionization of the air inside the air shafts of the Great Pyramid, similar characteristics can be found in a conductive insulating cable.

- The only thing missing for the Great Pyramid of Giza to function as a great giant power wireless plant was a source of energy which is why the ancient builders of the Great Pyramid took advantage of the water at the Giza plateau. Interestingly the Giza plateau where the pyramids are located is full of underground water channels.
- The Pyramids at the Giza plateau rise above the limestone layers located underneath (Aquifers), and the spaces in between them are filled with great amounts of water, and these layers of rock are capable of transmitting energy upwards as they carry the underground water to the surface. This means that the high volume flow of water that passes through these underground cavities is capable of producing an electrical current; known as physio-electricity. Physio-electricity can be defined as ‘Electricity obtained from the natural physical movements with the help of certain harnessing devices can be termed as physio-electricity. For example, energy from walking, energy from flowing stream of a river (Nile river flowing through aquifers.’ (Source)
- The chambers built within the Great Pyramid of Giza are considered as granite conductors implemented in the design, charged with ‘physio-electricity.’ This means that given the material and specific construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the electromagnetic field that forms at the very bottom of the Pyramid is transmitted towards the upper layers of the pyramid.
- It is believed that in the distant past, a device of excellent electric conductivity was located on the top of the pyramid, where today an empty space remains the only evidence of a pyramid that in the past, looked very different.
- Interestingly, traces of this long-lost ancient technology were rediscovered in the 1900’s by the great Nikola Tesla.
- Located at the Wardenclyffe tower he built between 1901 and 1917; Tesla applied a nearly identical form of this ancient technology, used in Egypt over 4000 years ago. Tesla’s tower was also believed to have been built upon aquifers, which means that the electric technology used by Tesla is nearly identical to that applied in the construction of the Great Pyramid. Both the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tesla’s magnificent Wardenclyffe tower were systems that generated negative ions and were capable of transmitting them without the need for electric cables, a completely free and wireless energy that powered other electrical components through vast distances.
- But it appears that the Ancient Egyptians were not the only ones to have understood the benefits of this ancient technology.
- A recent study has shown that a natural sinkhole, also known as ‘cenote’ is located underneath the Pyramid of Chichen Itza. Experts have found it is connected to other caverns and lakes in the area. The water filling the cavern is thought to run from north to south. This means that the Pyramid of Chichen Itza sits upon a subterranean water source just as Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, and the Great Pyramid of Giza
Tesla Pyramids
- The Giza Pyramids do not seem to be tombs, they instead seem more like machines, machines that generated power, real usable power. The Ancients appear to have designed the Giza Pyramids as generators which ran on the ingenious use of water hammer, the chemical and resonant catalyzed electrolysis of water, and heat. The Great Pyramid also seems to be working under the same principle that Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower utilized, induction in the Earth.
- The basic idea presented here is that both Tesla and the Ancients thought up similar systems for the distribution of electricity. No one has yet been able to replicate Tesla’s Earth Wave Vibration Theory or demonstrate a working model of the Giza Pyramids as a power plant. I try to show simple similarities between Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower and the Pyramids without using math, and I present the idea that the Great Pyramid could function as a low-frequency acoustic engine with the passages and chambers of the Pyramid in their current empty state.
The Thermoacoustic Piezoelectric Regenerative Pulsejet Pyramid of Khufu
“The Hydroelectric Multispectral Transmitter.”-Doug Keenan.
Below is a cross-sectional diagram of the Great Pyramids internal chambers and passages.

- Hypothetically speaking, hydrogen and oxygen are generated within the Pyramid and ignited in the Grand Gallery by thermoacoustic means and a monotone note is produced and sustained. The size and dimensions of the King’s Chamber, Grand Gallery and Queens Chamber, resonate sympathetically allowing good sustain of low-frequency oscillations. The heat from combustion is captured by the granite of the King’s Chamber while the limestone of the Pyramid is made conductive by pumping water to the top of the pyramid and allowing the water to percolate down through the stone. The white Tura limestone exterior of the Pyramid reflects the Suns light and heat helping to maintain the temperature of the Pyramid. Electricity is generated through the conversion of heat into sound and then sound into electricity, through the piezoelectric response of quartz. The Kings Chamber is playing the role of a large transducer.
- The water pressure and water level are acting as a piston and valve. Water shooting into the Grand Gallery would compress gas and seal off the Horizontal Passage temporarily. Water would then fill the Queen’s Chambers Horizontal Passage pushing out gas into the Grand Gallery for the next cycle. As the water falls back down to the water level between combustion periods, fresh air is drawn into the Pyramid through the vents in the King’s Chamber. The Queen’s Chamber doesn’t completely drain of water as the floor of the Queen’s Chamber and last few feet of the Horizontal Passage connecting to the Queen’s Chamber are lower than the rest of the Horizontal Passage.
- The Granite Blocks don’t plug the First Ascending Passage at all, I’ve seen them in person and they’re not set in tight. The Ascending Passage displays wear and tear on the limestone, as do the Granite Blocks. The First Ascending Passage width is narrower where it meets the Descending Passage giving the impression that the Granite Blocks are plugging the Ascending Passage. If a shockwave of water came up the Descending Passage the Granite Blocks would be forced up the Ascending Passage. Water could then make it past the Blocks allowing water to build up above the Blocks. The Blocks could then act as Pistons and push water up into the Grand Gallery and Queen’s Chamber Horizontal Passage. The Granite Blocks would weigh a bit less when submerged at the base of the First Ascending Passage and then become heavier when at the top of the Passage at the water level. The head pressure created and change in weight of the blocks could overcome the water hammer and the Granite Blocks would begin to recede back to the base of the First Ascending Passage. The Water that filled the Queen’s Chamber and Horizontal Passage drains through the Well Shaft back to the original water level, as the water can’t drain back past the Granite Blocks due to their restrictive design. Water hammer generated, somewhere below the plateau, came from a large moving block in a shaft connected to the Subterranean Chamber. The head pressure from the water level inside the Pyramid could push on the large block, the block would then slam the shaft shut sending a shockwave of water up the Descending Passage to push the Granite Blocks up, keeping the cycle going. Water hammer striking the ceiling of the Subterranean Chamber would also percolate water up into the limestone of the Pyramid. There’s a shaft that was detected that runs close to the horizontal portion of the Subterranean Passage. This shaft could’ve been used to pump water to the top of the Pyramid for cooling and conductivity. With limestone being a sieve and the effect of gravity on the capillary effect of the limestone, water was likely pumped to the top of the Pyramid and allowed to percolate down through the stone.
- John Cadman, an American Hydrologist, has been reverse engineering the Subterranean Chamber of the Great Pyramid for years and is constantly discovering new aspects of the design of the Chamber. He’s shown that water drains unrestricted through it, and that the shafts connecting to the Chamber are designed to reflect and a contain a compression wave, or water hammer. Mr. Cadman demonstrates how the system would’ve created a pulse that was directed up into the Pyramid, thus vibrating the Pyramid. Click the link to view a video of Mr. Cadman describing his pulse-generator model. https://youtu.be/NVFPsCPhpyk
- John Cadman’s Subterranean Chamber pump model requires no air in the system. The percolation shaft in the graphic above is located where there is a niche in the top NW corner of the Subterranean Chamber. The niche is in a spot where John, with inkjet testing, has shown that water would’ve flowed towards the niche. This is where water could be percolated up into the pyramid as well as relieve any air that would’ve been trapped inside the Subterranean Chamber, thus allowing the chamber to achieve the ram pump effect.
- With the correct ratio of hydrogen to oxygen igniting, a loud bang could be produced in tandem with the pulse of the ram pump. Alternating the beating of a ram pump and a detonation could bring the pyramid to a sustained vibration, having a piezoelectric effect.
The Thermoacoustic Regenerative Pulsejet
- Pulsejet engines have few or no moving parts, only require ignition upon startup, and are very loud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsejet
- Heres a link to a video showing a valveless pulsejet working and just how loud they are. The Pyramid pulsejet would operate intermittently as opposed to the continuous operation of the pulsejet in the video. https://youtu.be/qwuDkOB9Jik
- Here’s a link showing how radio frequencies can ignite water into a constant flame. In this video a lazy yellow flame is produced displaying unburnt fuel. http://youtube.com/watch?v=p8xYUDiSGDk
- The dimensions and flatness of the Pyramids internal Chambers and Passages all appear geared towards the tuning and function of a pulsejet style engine which generates heat and sound within the King’s Chamber and Grand Gallery, and is using the resonance and heat of the system to keep the Pyramid vibrating, catalyzing the reactions within the pyramid for the generation of more fuel. A pulsejet engine fits the pyramid power model very well. Pulsejets generate high sound pressure levels, plenty of thrust and heat, and would require no maintenance. Fire could continuously be created through the combination of fuel, oxygen, and heat, requiring no spark for combustion with very little compression. The Grand Gallery is slanted which would help with the mixing of gases. Hydrogen being light would travel from the bottom to the top of the room, and oxygen, being heavier, would fall from the top to the bottom of the room.
- Below is a picture copied directly from http://Gizapower.com in which Chris Dunn is pointing out scorch marks on the ceiling of the Grand Gallery after the gallery was cleaned. These scorch marks could be evidence of combustion generating a standing wave and leaving a pattern showing the nodes and anti-nodes of the frequency generated.

- The stones that are believed to have existed in the Ante-Chamber could’ve served as hot plates or a choke thus aiding the thermoacoustic process. The stones wouldn’t have blocked the passage completely either as there is quite of bit of space above and around them in the Ante-Chamber. The spacing of the blocks would affect the sound of the process too. On the walls in the space of the Ante-Chamber there are many lateral concave grooves that held the slabs of granite in place. A thermoacoustic effect could also be possible without the granite blocks, as the walls of the Ante-Chamber could be made hot thus working as a thermoacoustic choke. With water cooling the Grand Gallery, heat being contained in the Kings Chamber, and granite slabs placed in the path between the Chambers, the right conditions for thermoacoustics should arise. Thermoacoustics would enable a steady continous tone to be emitted by the Pyramid.
Here’s a link to a demonstration of a thermoacoustic sound generator. https://youtu.be/Q6WN3wFPnqw
- The Grand Gallery displays signs of heat stress, like an old tandoor oven after years and years of use. Other researchers claim an explosion happened within the Pyramid pushing the walls of the Grand Gallery out over an inch, while the same type of damage found in the Grand Gallery can come from repeated detonations. Eventually the granite of the Pyramid would’ve been spent and the engine would then loose efficiency. The pyramid sites around Egypt appear to have been built for redundancy of the power system. As one set of Pyramids are failing, another set of Pyramids are already built, allowing the pyramid power system to keep running.
- A metal plate was supposedly retrieved from one of the Kings Chamber Vents. This plate could’ve closed under positive pressure, pressurizing the Kings Chamber and Grand Gallery for combustion. Then post combustion it could’ve opened to allow air to be drawn down into the Pyramid. If the plate was present in the shafts then the Pyramids ignition would work like that of a two-stroke diesel engine.
- I’ve crawled around inside the Great Pyramid with a private group for over 2 hours, and while the entire tour I was with was in the King’s Chamber, I had the Grand Gallery all to myself. This gave me the opportunity to create a bang on the floor to make the walls of the Grand Gallery vibrate. I jumped from the 4th step up above the landing where the stairs meet above the Queen’s Chamber Passage entrance and landed on the roughly 6′ x 3′ floor boards. After the initial impact with the floor the walls shook like the sound of a subwoofer. This showed me the Chamber resonated freely. The blocks that make up the walls actually vibrated for up to a few seconds past me making the bang on the floor. It was unbelievable, it was like striking a nicely tuned drum. My friends on the tour came yelling asking what happened as everyone felt a shockwave roar past them. I felt assured that the Pyramid has a low fundamental frequency. The size, geometries and the materials used in the Great Pyramid are all geared towards low-frequency response.
The function of the Queen’s Chamber
- Chris Dunn, an American engineer, describes in his book, The Giza Power Plant, how the Queen’s Chamber could have regulated a mixture of zinc solution with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. Mr. Dunn’s idea is one way to explain how salt could’ve built up on the Queens Chambers walls and Passage, by hydrogen gas generated in a chemical reaction, and the gas reacting with the limestone of the Chamber. This is confirmed plausible by chemical engineers. Mr. Dunn has an exceptional website displaying his more than 30 years of research. http://www.gizapower.com
- The Queen’s Chamber used to have salt encrusted on the walls and ceiling up to 3.75cm(1.5″) thick and the two small shafts that feed the Chamber used to each be blocked off with a limestone block that had a crack running through it. The Queen’s Chamber has now been cleaned down to the limestone and the limestone blocks blocking the small shafts were chiseled away in search for treasure. A piece of copper in the shape of a dual hook and wood ball, that together would work as float valve, were recovered from the shafts and are on display at a British museum. Pipe inspection cameras have since inspected up the shafts and it was discovered that the shafts are blocked by limestone blocks with two copper handles, or electrodes. It appears the fluid levels of the shafts were monitored by a float switch opening a circuit. With cracks in the limestone blocks that were between the shafts and the Queen’s Chamber, the fluids mixing would be regulated. However gas was generated, it reacted with the limestone depositing the salt. The small shafts were likely filled with water acting as conduits for the Queen’s Chamber to get a grip electrically to the pyramid, making a good connection to the wet limestone.
- With the Queen’s Chamber in direct connection to the Grand Gallery, the resonance in air during combustion would be directed into the Queen’s Chamber through the water that filled the Queens Chamber Passage. The frequencies would be refracted by the water into the Passage and pick up speed on their way into the Queens Chamber. So if the Grand Gallery was resonating at 100 Hertz then the Queen’s Chamber would resonate around 400 Hertz, but only if water is present in the Queen’s Chamber Passage as sound travels faster through water. With the full spectrum of frequencies generated by the pyramid, its likely microwaves played a role in the generation and ignition of the gases.
- The Earth has a natural negative charge and the Ionosphere has a natural positive charge. The Pyramid builders seemingly exploited this difference of potential for electrolysis production by building the pyramid, and Kings Chamber Vents, high in the air to draw in the natural positive charge. Think of the Queens Chamber as a negative electrode with salt build up on it. This was brought to my attention by Doug Keenan.
- From the Giza Power Plant — Salt was only ever found in the Queen’s Chamber and Queen’s Chamber Horizontal Passage. In 1978 a researcher, Patrick Flanagan, had the salt of the Queen’s Chamber analyzed and it was found to contain a mixture of calcium carbonate, sodium chloride and calcium sulphate.
The Thermionic Configuration

- The Great pyramid also resembles a basic thermionic device similar to a vacuum tube. The King’s Chamber is made entirely of granite and the walls of this chamber are barely in contact with the limestone of the Pyramid. A thermionic effect could be possible by heating the granite of the King’s Chamber and effectively negatively charging the granite. Granite can withstand higher temperatures when dry, so if the King’s Chamber was kept dry than the temperature of the stone could be made hot enough to emit electrons.
- Thermal processes can provide a continuous current and the piezo effect could effectively modulate the DC into AC. The Quartz in the granite is an exceptional piezoelectric material and it could potentially generate megawatts of power through the heat and pressures of the system. Through the ingenious use of water hammer, thermionics, thermoacoustics and piezoelectrics, it starts to sound possible that the Giza Pyramids generated enormous amounts of power.
Tesla’s Earth Wave Vibration Theory

Note: Electricity in a wire behaves like a gas.
- In the Graphic above Tesla shows his analogy and realization of his Wireless Transmission Theory. The analogy is a hand pump pumping up a sphere and gauges responding all around the sphere. He states in his Analogy Graphic that each pulse of the pump is felt with equal force at all points of the sphere and that sphere could be a flexible, spherical envelope filled with a liquid or gas. Tesla then demonstrates in the Realization Graphic how the Earth could be used as a means for the distribution of electricity without wires utilizing the principle displayed in the Analogy Graphic.
- There’s no “free energy” in this system. Tesla makes no mention of using the energy of the Earth to power the Wardenclyffe Tower(although the Pyramid Builders seemingly did). The Tower required a large generating station which was right beside the Tower. Tesla also wanted power from Niagara Falls, which wasn’t too far away.
- Tesla’s Wardenclyffe tower contained two resonating Tesla Coils placed in series with Earth and a virtual ground terminating the circuit at the top of the Tower. The Tower was in a single phase configuration (single wire, mono phase) and a generating station provided the current for the Tower to transmit. Each Pyramid, Khafre and Khufu, are acting as a resonant conductor like a pair of Tesla Coils arranged in parallel configuration.

- With the two largest Pyramids at Giza working as resonant generators, and both Pyramids fundamental frequencies being induced into the ground in such close proximity, the fundamental frequencies of the Pyramids likely clashed in a constructive and destructive manner. The frequencies generated would fight and create a beat frequency, or pulsation. Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower and the Pyramids seem to be pulsing at the electromagnetic resonant frequencies of the Earth, just the way Tesla simply describes in his Analogy Graphic –Tesla’s Earth Wave Vibration Theory. The Natural fundamental frequency of the Earth is roughly 8Hz. Pulsing at this interval, and harmonics thereof, could be how the Wardenclyffe Tower and Pyramids synced up with the Earths natural electromagnetic vibration enabling them to send electricity to the far reaches of the globe. This arrangement could possibly set up a standing electromagnetic wave within the Earth and the Ionosphere for the transfer of wireless power!

- The waveform above demonstrates how Tesla could have used beat frequencies to generate low-frequencies. Couple this effect with hitting the resonant frequency of Earth and you have a resonant switched, resonant amplified signal being transmitted around the globe. The reason the above waveform is solid red is because when you combine two high frequencies into a beat-frequency, the outcome would appear solid until zoomed in. For example, 1mhz + 1mhz,16hz = 16bps 8hz wave.
Read about beat-frequencies here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_(acoustics)
- Our atmosphere is 60km high at the point where low frequencies begin to reflect back down to the Earth due to the charged conductor that is the ionosphere. The lowest fundamental frequency of the Earth-Ionosphere waveguide is 7.5hz(speed of light/ circumference of Earth). Low frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum range from 1hz up to 300khz. Frequencies in this range get trapped in the Earth-Ionosphere waveguide and travel around the globe efficiently. The Pyramids are switching at a rate the Earth and Ionosphere respond to, with the magnetic field being reverberated around the Earth between the conductive Ionosphere and conductive ground. Tesla originally attempted this pulsation mechanically with 5khz pulses of a 20khz waveform. The pyramids appear to be in the same low frequency range in radio terms. The Pyramids actually appear to be modulating at roughly 0.75Hz at the speed of sound (roughly 2500 metres per second through stone) and therefore modulate at the speed of light (electromagnetic waves) at around 91khz, which half of 91kHz is 45.5kHz, right in the optimal range of the Earth-Ionosphere waveguide.
- Disney Wireless Research group have actually already demonstrated wireless power transfer at 2000watts across a room safely. They achieved wireless power in 2016, a world’s first too. Check out their video demonstrating how Tesla achieved wireless power and how there’s no secret to how it can be done.
And here’s a link to their website.
- The Pharaohs name Sneferu translates into double-harmony. Sneferu built two Pyramids of different size in close proximity to each other, the Red Pyramid and Bent Pyramid. This lends to the Idea that the system employed by the Ancients used mainly two frequencies harmonizing with the Earth. The Red and Bent Pyramid are located in Dashur about 8 miles south of the Giza Pyramids. Why would the Ancients build their structures so similarly? If the Pyramids were resonators then the frequencies they generate would combine into the sum of the difference of the frequencies, resulting in beats.

- By volume, the Pyramids Khufu and Khafre are similar to the Red and Bent Pyramids. Khafre being 85.5% the volume of Khufu, and The Bent Pyramid being 84.2% the volume of the Red Pyramid.
- The tip of a Pyramid is the perfect shape to facilitate electrical discharges of static in and out of a virtual ground. If the tip of the Pyramids were gold, that would reinforce the similarities with the Wardenclyffe Tower. Gold is a great conductor and doesn’t corrode, therefore it would remain a steady ground. The Pyramid shape naturally wicks current into the atmosphere out the tip, and with the Pyramids negatively charged and the ionosphere positively charged, we have the proper configuration for electron flow.
- The geometry, resonance and current of the Pyramids could yield some very interesting effects through the feedback between the structures and the Earth. The Pyramids could be oriented in a way that promotes feedback of the tones generated to further bring out the notes. If you place a subwoofer on the floor of a room and turn it up, you can walk around the room and find the spot where the sub frequencies are loudest, this is where the Khafre pyramid could be located in relation to the Great Pyramid, and where the Bent Pyramid could be located in relation to the Red Pyramid.
- The Giza Pyramids, and the rest of the Pyramids in Egypt, are on Earths magnetic equator. Therefore the Pyramids are 90 degrees out of phase with Earths magnetic field. This could be how some “free energy” was pulled from the Earth. Tesla was aware of this possibility but never got to prove it. The Wardenclyffe Tower was only 10 degrees North of the Pyramids.
Pyramid Power Uses
- One of the interesting effects of quartz crystals is that they can emit light through an effect known as piezoluminescense. Maybe the Ancients had a piezoluminescent lighting system, essentially using rocks as lightbulbs. There are tunnels in Egypt kilometres long without any torch marks. So how did the Ancients see in the dark? There’s possibly a connection between piezoluminescense and piezoelectricity. Any monuments or temples built from stone containing quartz could very well have emitted light in ancient times. Seeing as so many ancient temples are built in geometric proportion to one another, maybe these ratios are the harmonic intervals of the piezoluminescent effect of the stones used in construction. We seek out temples for enlightenment, maybe in ancient times that was literally what people went to temples for, to have light shed upon them. In the image below a drill bit is being pressed into a piece of quartz crystal and light is being emitted when the drill bit squeaks on the stone. This effect can arise in the kHz to mhz range, with brightness attributed to power. Watch the videos in the links below.

Other Possible Pyramid Uses
Doug Keenan, an American electronics engineer, has reverse engineered the Pyramid as a radio-telescope based on the work of Robert Bauval. His website’s http://cyclesofthepyramids.com and http://Bigskymap.com are incredible and he’s the first to properly reverse engineer the Great Pyramid. I firmly believe in a system like the one Doug presents on his website but I think the Pyramids might’ve continuously operated providing a continuous output of Earth-Ionosphere waveguide harmonics.
It’s been proven that loud rock music affects plant growth. It’s also been proven that electrical stimulus encourages plant growth. The Pyramids could’ve been built to allow plants to grow bigger and faster by energizing the ground with loud low-frequency pulses of current. So if the Pyramids aren’t Tesla-like power plants than they’re very likely for the cultivation of food. That is the only other practical reason for building the Pyramids. The Land of the Dead could be where dead bodies were shipped to decompose, thus raising the EC of the water and land. Plants grow many times faster with abundant food sources.
As for the “blocked Passages” inside the Great Pyramid. I say go to Egypt and see for yourself, climb around inside the Great Pyramid and talk to the locals. The locals say the Great Pyramid is as it was in Ancient times and that the Kings Chamber was never hermetically sealed. The granite block that used to sit next to the Coffer could’ve come from an excavation of the floor, and if a block was removed to gain access to the Kings Chamber, there’d be evidence of it happening. No tool marks or cracking from explosives are found where the block was supposed to be sealing the Chamber. The passages inside the Pyramid are narrow and long, a real pain to work in and excavate granite stones from let alone crawl through.
I’m a musician and sound technician, I also do gas work, fire alarm tech, and commercial kitchen installations. I’m sort of Jack of all trades and I feel my experiences have enabled me to bring forward this simple Pyramid concept. I hope you enjoyed what you’ve read. I’m working on testing as you’re reading this. If you have anything to add, just post a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. This site’s still in the works, so check back later. There’s still so much more to show everyone! I can’t wait, cheers!
Antenna Coupling

Abundant Energy From Vacuum was originally published in Exponential Technologies / Industrial Revolutions Based Infrastructure on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.