- A unique private infrastructure fund dedicated to delivering clean hydrogen infrastructure projects at scale has been launched.
- This shall play a major role in the decarbonisation of the global economy.
- Hydrogen has the potential to make a substantial contribution to our clean energy transition, reducing emissions across the economy while underpinning the development of an important domestic and export industry.
- Renewable hydrogen can enable the deep decarbonisation of notoriously difficult-to-abate sectors, particularly in transport and manufacturing, while accelerating the contribution of renewable energy across the economy.
- Projects seeking finance through the SFO Clean Hydrogen Fund are required to be commercial, draw on renewable energy, energy efficiency and/or low emissions technologies and contribute to emissions reduction.
- Eligible projects can include those which advance hydrogen production; develop export and domestic hydrogen supply chains, including hydrogen export industry infrastructure, establish hydrogen hubs and assist in building domestic demand for hydrogen.
- We firmly believe that clean hydrogen, an energy carrier created from low-carbon sources, will help transform and decarbonise the world’s economy, addressing the global climate emergency and making a positive change to our planet for future generations.
- The Fund will serve as a catalyst for both the financing and building of global hydrogen infrastructure projects. We believe it creates the right investment platform to support existing and future hydrogen initiatives.
- The value-creation opportunity is huge. We want to deliver hydrogen energy infrastructure at scale and at pace. We will partner with the primary financial and strategic hydrogen players to do that.
- Being a first mover in the market means that our fund will have the agility and flexibility to identify the right projects and invest in the most compelling infrastructure assets of the future. This is expected to unlock superior, risk-adjusted returns for our investors.
- There is a growing focus from global policy makers on the urgent need to decarbonise. More than 30 governments around the world have already adopted national hydrogen strategies as part of their climate plans so the opportunity is huge.
- $70 billion of public funding has been pledged to accelerate hydrogen scale-up. Accelerating the build-out of hydrogen infrastructure will radically improve national and corporate abilities to meet net zero and decarbonisation targets. These ambitions are also driving demand from institutional investors for exposure to cleaner energy sources in line with the Paris Agreement, which will have a lasting impact on environment, society and businesses, contributing to the ESG imperatives of their respective investment portfolios.
- This fund is part of our broader ambition to establish an investment platform focused on accelerating the hydrogen economy. By serving as a catalyst to scale the hydrogen market, the fund’s initial priority is to develop infrastructure and then extend its investment strategy into hydrogen-related technologies and companies.
- The fund combines deep investment expertise with unparalleled knowledge of, and access to, the hydrogen market and its ecosystem. It will finance large projects in the production, storage and distribution of clean hydrogen primarily in OECD countries and those with supportive policies, regulations and financial schemes in place enabling projects to be scaled profitably.
- The Fund is offered only to qualifying and verified investors, intends to raise billions from a combination of financial and industrial investors. It will make largely co-investments into greenfield projects with key industrial players.
- The Fund expects to act as a catalyst by investing in upstream and downstream opportunities across the value chain, including green hydrogen production and use and downstream distribution assets to the transport segment and associated fleet development schemes.
- The Fund will enable investors to access the emerging hydrogen economy whilst mitigating the risk to their returns through co-investment with strategic players with deep technical skill and project execution capabilities.
- Fund’s management team has deep hydrogen exposure, expertise and networks established over 30 years of building and operating in the industry. It expects to add further financial and industry expertise in due course.
- The Fund’s first closing is expected in the fourth quarter of 2021, with first cash contributed by investors by early 2022 and drawn as required for investment over several years.
Hydrogen Vehicles / Hydrogen Fuelling Infrastructure
- With the shared goal of accelerating the transition to cost-effective, zero-emissions commercial vehicle and power generator technologies, we have initiated efforts for the deployment of hydrogen vehicles and hydrogen fueling infrastructure. We aim at reducing the complexity of adopting hydrogen electric solutions by providing fleet operators with clear and actionable strategic direction in respect to fuel cell powered vehicles and hydrogen fuel infrastructure.
- We will collaborate on development of market opportunities for deployment of vehicles manufactured by OEM‘s in combination with on-site hydrogen generation infrastructure provided by energy partners. The initial scope of such market development activities is further centered around the vertical markets of materials handling, warehouse and port logistics, including drayage; transit and coach bus service; urban delivery services; and stationary power applications.
- The initiative forms an integral part of our strategy aimed at combining a full portfolio of industry leading hydrogen fuel cell modules with a 360-degree hydrogen ecosystem of integration service providers, component suppliers and fueling solutions to help accelerate time-to-market and reduce product launch burdens for OEM’s.
- The agreement further supports SFO’s objective of offering fleet operators a clear path to market leading cost of ownership based on the company’s unique on-site hydrogen production solution, best-in-class fuel efficiency and performance of the vehicles. The fund is committed to addressing the global need for consistent, cost-effective supply of hydrogen through modular, scalable, and rapidly deployable hydrogen production systems.
- Fleet operators are facing increased pressure to transition to zero-emissions and our fund envisages to create an ecosystem that removes many of the barriers to adoption of hydrogen fuel cells as a solution. We are focused on enabling the lowest cost of ownership solutions to the fleet operator customers. We look forward to building on the foundation of this important strategic partnership as we continue to work together towards mass-market adoption of hydrogen fuel cell technologies.
- Our portfolio company’s fuel cell modules for commercial vehicle and stationary power generation have quickly gained market traction with customers in Asia, Europe, and North America due to their market-leading characteristics, including fuel efficiency and ease-of-integration.
- We believe that hydrogen vehicle cost of ownership and easy, economical access to the hydrogen fuel are closely intertwined and are both critical to successful project development.
- Our hydrogen portfolio widens the hydrogen ecosystem, supports OEM’s in market and sales channel development process, and helps bring down the barriers and the cost of adoption of hydrogen electric solutions by commercial vehicle operators.
- This is yet another progressive chapter in the global acceleration of hydrogen adoption.