Task Force/Action Council
- The Business 20 (B20) is the official G20 dialogue forum with the global business community. Established in 2010, B20 is among the most prominent Engagement Groups in G20, with companies and business organisations as participants. The B20 leads the process of galvanising global business leaders for their views on issues of global economic and trade governance and speaks in a single voice for the entire G20 business community.
- Each year, the G20 Presidency appoints a B20 Chair (an eminent business leader from the G20 host country), who is supported by a B20 Sherpa and the B20 secretariat.
- The B20 aims to deliver concrete actionable policy recommendations on priorities by each rotating presidency to spur economic growth and development. The B20 bases its work on Task Forces (TFs) and Action Councils (ACs) entrusted to develop consensus-based policy recommendations to the G20 and to international organizations and institutions.
- The B20 officially conveys its final recommendations to the G20 Presidency on the occasion of the B20 Summit.
B20 Task Forces & Action Councils
- B20 India will operate through Task Forces and Action Councils in streamlining the B20 strategic vision and translating it into policy deliverables on key topics of the global economic agenda. The priority areas will be discussed and deliberated during B20 Summit under seven Task Forces in the areas of:
- B20 has two Action Councils: