Celebrity Life

Why Good Bacteria is the Best Thing for Your Skin

The growing concern and obsession with wellness has mutated from what was once a craze to what is now a lifestyle. From shooting vitamins into our veins by means of plant-based/alternative-meat diets, vitamin supplements, green and clean beauty to balancing our gut health – the unstoppable wellness train has done us good. But the new word around town is probiotics, or good bacteria, which don’t just manage the health of our digestive system, but when misted over our faces, improves our skin.

The same way that we wrapped our heads around good bacteria in our gut, covering our bodies and faces with it doesn’t seem so far-fetched. The science has been around, and have gained popularity in the US and Europe, so it was just a matter of time before it hit our shores in Hong Kong. As news travels fast, so does product. AO+ Skincare, the exact formula behind its overseas counterpart (Mother Dirt) from the States, has gained holy grail status in the West and has now arrived in Hong Kong. AO+ is the first biome-friendly skincare brand available on this side of the world, and with it comes its promise for a balanced microbiome for healthy confident skin.


Why do we need AO+?

Taking it way back to when humans first walked the earth, our bodies were designed to fend off germs (and other cavemen monstrosities) on its own. Not to say that we aren’t capable of doing so today, but over generations, we’ve become a little “too clean” with our daily dependence on soaps and deodorants, which has eventually begun to disrupt our microbiome -- the skin’s ecosystem -- by stripping off our own good bacteria (Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria AKA AOB).


How does AO+ work?

The natural ingredients of AO+ Vitality Microbalance Mist (HK$500) including the core component, AOB, contribute to its efficacy. The main role of this patented live good bacteria acts as the skin’s “peacekeeper” to protect and balance our skin’s pH and natural biome without harming our ecosystem, thanks to its raw ingredients in its formulation. That means it restores our balance by promoting healthy skin and combating the damage caused by pollution and helps soothe problematic skin (conditions like eczema, redness, acne, allergies and sensitive skin). AOB breaks down irritants like sweat into healthy byproducts that feeds our skin – yum. So to make the most out of your bacteria, spraying pre and post workout maximises the benefits of AOB.

But I love my existing skincare!

Yes, we all do. That nice-smelling, feel-good stuff we slather ourselves with. Ideally, you don’t need more than biome-friendly products in our system. But that doesn’t mean that integrating AOB into our routine wipes our favourite bottles off our shelves. Compatible with all products (but recommended with the use of organic formulas), AO+ Vitality Microbalance Mist acts as a guard, breaking down all the bad bacteria that comes in contact with our skin. Following our serums, creams, makeup and more, spritz generously all over and you’re set.


So, who is this product suitable for?

Simply put, everyone and every skin type. The AO+ Vitality Microbalance Mist is preservative-free, fragrance-free and 100% natural and jam packed full of good bacteria. In fact, it is so gentle that expecting moms and even infants can benefit from it, too.



It's clinically proven that you’ll see and feel them in 7 to 14 days -- reduced pores, balanced tone, radiance, and softer skin. Everything that embodies healthy skin, really.


Is that all?

Not quite. In addition to AO+ Vitality Microbalance Mist, three other complementary products are available: Soothing Microbalance Cleansing Mask (HK$260), Hydrating Microbalance Body Foam (HK$120) and Microbalance Scalp Protection Shampoo (HK$120). Formulated to maintain the skin’s balance as well, the rest of the range works together to enhance the good bacteria in the AO+ Vitality Microbalance Mist.

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AO+ products now shoppable online at


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