Celebrity Life
fast track through a day in my dreams, and silence in a noisy world
I can hear the sound of the electricity running through my lights as I sit here to write. That’s how unaccustomed I’ve become to silence. The refrigerator cooling, propane pilot light, the heater, the traffic outdoors a block away – it all sounds like an NYC traffic jam pounding in my ears. photography:MOM | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | luxury handbag: PRADA | basic pumps c/o: NAKED FEET SHOES It’s almost the holiday season, and it seems we are all more in a rush than ever before. In some ways, the silence feels even louder than the havoc a normal day might bring. Think about it. The first experience we have in the morning is jolting awake to a ringing alarm. If we dare silence it, we face it yet again. In my case, the cat is also screaming. The alarm works as her notification it’s time to harass mom clawing at her face for some morning affection. Checking emails, texts, social notifications all happens next. We’re bombarded with notifications of happenings in those few …