Celebrity Life
Chivas Whisky Lab and Gobble Gobble Buffet at TEMPTationS, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel
[Event] MHB’s Andy Kho, Suzanne, my partner in crime and I recently attended the Chivas Whisky Lab at R-Stage,Continue Reading
Chivas Whisky Lab and Gobble Gobble Buffet at TEMPTationS, Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel
[Event] MHB’s Andy Kho, Suzanne, my partner in crime and I recently attended the Chivas Whisky Lab at R-Stage,Continue Reading
Chivas Whisky Lab, The Whisky Society 2016, Straits Wine Fiesta 2016
[Event] Chivas Whisky Lab Pearl and I recently attended the Chivas Whisky Lab at HIDE at The Roof, BandarContinue Reading