Celebrity Life
Naomi Campbell Gets an Island Vacation Home for Her 41st Birthday
Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin spoils supermodel Naomi Campbell with an island vacation home for her 41st birthday, shaped like the Egyptian Eye of Horus. This self-sustaining master-piece created by Architect Luis de Garrido, is on no other location than Isla Playa de Cleopatra, in Turkey’s Gulf of Gökova.
The post Naomi Campbell Gets an Island Vacation Home for Her 41st Birthday appeared first on LUXUO.
Marc Restellini curates Singapore Pinacotheque de Paris
Popular exhibits of Van Gogh and Cleopatra make the off-shoot of this Parisian private museum more accessible.
The post Marc Restellini curates Singapore Pinacotheque de Paris appeared first on The Peak Magazine.
Marc Restellini curates Singapore Pinacotheque de Paris

Popular exhibits of Van Gogh and Cleopatra make the off-shoot of this Parisian private museum more accessible.
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