Celebrity Life
How I Get Rid of Body Odor
Sometimes, I stink. It’s terrible. I can barely breathe. Perfumes and deodorants do nothing. Even after multiple washes, depending on the fabric of the garment, my clothes continue to smell…
Health Boosters for the Tired Expat
Jet lag, stress, fast food, little exercise, poor sleep and barely any fresh air. The initiation into an expat journey isn’t always the healthiest. While there…
The post Health Boosters for the Tired Expat appeared first on The Expater.
Health Boosters for the Tired Expat
Jet lag, stress, fast food, little exercise, poor sleep and barely any fresh air. The initiation into an expat journey isn’t always the healthiest. While there…
The post Health Boosters for the Tired Expat appeared first on The Expater.
The Salad That Feeds Me
The photographs should be self-explanatory – it’s a very simple salad. I sometimes add processed meat like sausages etc. to it depending on how bored I am. Otherwise salt &…