Whilst getting a dose of summer sunshine and much needed vitamin D sounds idyllic, too much sun (or too little protection for that matter), can have adverse effects on your health. Too much unprotected exposure to the sun’s UV rays and infrared light can be dangerous. If you’re not careful, they can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and skin cancer. Therefore, it’s important to protect your skin whilst on holiday. The good news is that skin cancer is preventable in 86% of cases, so by taking steps such as wearing a high level SPF and seeking shade, you can greatly reduce your risk. What does the SPF level mean? The SPF number tells you how long the sun’s UV radiation would take to redden your skin when using the product as advertised. So SPF 50 (in theory!) would take you 50 times longer to burn compared to if you were not wearing any sunscreen at all. It’s recommended that you wear SPF 30+ if you are going to be outside in the sun for any length of time. You can even burn in winter, so it’s recommended to wear an SPF all year round if you spend any […]