Celebrity Life
Meet Virginia Tupker And Her Wonderful Projects

Meet Virginia Tupker And Her Wonderful Projects => Virginia Tupker is an interior designer catering to high-end residential and commercial projects all over the world. Virginia’s background as a magazine editor, covering the home markets and styling for House & Garden, Vogue, and Vogue Living, for over a decade, coupled with her European upbringing, gives her a unique approach to interiors. Virginia grew up in London, right off the King’s Road in the heart of Chelsea, and so from a young age was exposed to the pulse of both fashion and design.
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AD100 2020: Contemplate the Impressive Work of the 10 Newcomers

AD100 2020: Contemplate the Impressive Work of the 10 Newcomers ⇒ While the magazine honors the outstanding creations of 100 entities, today, it will be all about discovering the work of the 2020 special issue’s debutants.
Architectural Digest is one of the biggest editorial publications in the design and architecture industries. Every year, the prestigious magazine launches its AD100 which consists of celebrating the impressive body of work of 100 architects, landscape designers and interior designs all around the world.
Continue reading AD100 2020: Contemplate the Impressive Work of the 10 Newcomers at Luxxu Blog.