Celebrity Life
Who wants to detox when you can teatox? Introducing the newest health craze, teatoxing! Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like… (detox was so yesterday). If you haven’t already caught wind of it yet, you might live in a cave. But for those of you who aren’t quite sure, let me break it down for you. Detoxes became a huge phenomenon along with the trend of eating clean (no chemicals, artificial flavoring, etc) a few years back. It’s basically meant to tone up, loose a bit of weight, and cleanse out all the yucky stuff we eat everyday by limiting yourself to a select group of foods or liquids. TEAtoxing is basically the same thing. The difference… I still get to eat my pizza. That’s right ladies and gentleman… PIZZA. (not that I’m recommending chowing down on junk food in the process)… just saying, I don’t have a lot of self control. So a detox that allows me to keep my regular eating habits, sounds pretty good to me. The directions, simply sip a cup three times a day before meals. …