Celebrity Life
This HIIT Workout Will Leave You Breathless Without Doing a Single Burpee
One of the many upsides to doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is that it can challenge your body in a short period of time. While efficiency tops the list of the many benefits of HIIT workouts, they often feature a lot of dynamic movements, plyometric exercises, and oh yeh, burpees — arguably one of the most polarising exercises that many people love to hate.
If doing another burpee sounds as fun as getting a bikini wax while sunburnt there’s good news: You don’t have to do burpees to get in a great HIIT workout. Case in point? This burpee-free HIIT workout programmed by Danyele Wilson, US trainer for Tone & Sculpt will fire up your entire body and get your heart rate up without even one rep of the dreaded (but effective, FTR!) move.
Another bonus? It requires zero equipment, so you can do it just about anywhere. The circuit-based routine is designed to be completed four times through, with intervals of 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. Once you work through all four rounds, you’ll be dripping.
Burpee-Free HIIT Workout
How it works: Start with a quick warm-up. Then, perform each exercise in order for 30 seconds on, and 30 seconds off. Repeat for four total rounds. Don’t forget to cool down for a few minutes before hitting the shower
You’ll need: You don’t need any equipment for this routine, but you may want to grab a mat to make sure you’re comfortable throughout.
Drop Squats
A. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders, toes slightly turned out.
B. Jump feet out and lower into a squat while touching the ground with left hand.
C. Jump feet back in, returning to the starting position.
D. Continue jumping out and in, making sure to alternate which hand touches the ground.
Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
Lateral Lunge to Squat Jump
A. Start standing tall with feet hips-width distance apart.
B. Step out with left leg, bend left knee and sink all weight into left hip, keeping right leg straight.
C. Keeping hips low, push through left heel and bring left foot back toward right foot, bending both knees to find a half squat position.
D. Extend through hips and explode off the ground, landing softly. Switch sides; repeat.
Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
High Knee Run and Stick
A. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Drive left knee to chest. Arms should be in a runner’s position, opposite arm as knee forward.
B. Bring right knee, then left knee, then right knee to chest as fast as possible and then pause.
C. Continue this movement, alternating legs and moving at a fast pace.
Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
Mountain Climber
A. Start in a high plank position. Bring right knee to chest, keeping right foot elevated.
B. Immediately bring right foot back to return to plank position while bringing lift knee to chest. Continue alternating.
Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
Speed Skater
A. Start standing with knees bent and a slight forward lean.
B. Leap onto alternating feet from side to side, swinging back foot behind the standing leg. Do not let your back foot touch the floor. The core should remain engaged and back should be as straight as possible while swinging arms to propel jumps.
Repeat for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
Repeat the entire circuit three more times through, for a total of four rounds.
This story first appeared on www.shape.com
(Main and Feature Image Credit: Meghan Holmes/Unsplash)
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The post This HIIT Workout Will Leave You Breathless Without Doing a Single Burpee appeared first on Prestige Online - Hong Kong.
Why MMA Training Is A Good Option For Your Summer Workout Routine
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Fitness Hacks for People Who Know They SHOULD Be Moving More But Really Don’t Want To!

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Luxury Gym Equipment for Your Home Workouts
By now, your bosses and colleagues have probably seen more of your abode than you would've ever expected to show them.
With many of us working from home these days, meetings held over video conferencing apps the likes of Zoom and Microsoft Teams have become the new normal. Inevitably, this means letting colleagues into our residences — albeit virtually — and having them catch glimpses of it via our backdrop. Depending on where your workspace is located, this view could range from a boring blank wall to windows or cluttered bookshelves.
Your makeshift office may not be the most glamorous, but there are several easy interior design tricks that you can employ to quickly jazz up the background of your Zoom calls.
Textiles and cushions
Armani/Casa Exclusive Textiles by Rubelli. (Image: Armani/Casa) -
Armani/Casa Exclusive Textiles by Rubelli. (Image: Armani/Casa)
If your workstation of choice is the couch or bed, all it takes is a few snazzy throw pillows wrapped in eye-catching fabrics and prints to provide visual interest in the space behind you. Consider dressing your cushions in the Armani/Casa Exclusive Textiles by Rubelli collection, which is inspired by modern art — specifically works by Henri Matisse, Vasilij Kandinskij and Paul Klee.
It showcases striking colour blocks embellished with embroideries, ikat details and intertwined motifs. These are available in various patterns and shades ranging from pastel to neutral hues. More details here.
Houseplants and greenery

Adding houseplants to your home office will help the space look less spartan and bland. Smaller plants like cacti, succulents and spider plants can be displayed on shelves or tables, while larger ones such as philodendrons, snake plants and ZZ plant (Zanzibar Gem) can be placed on the floor to break the monotony of blank walls.
Online plant retailer Flora Houses offers a wide variety of houseplants that will thrive indoors and are generally low-maintenance. Its range includes Japanese fir, fiddle leaf fig and Bird of Paradise. The store provides free doorstep delivery with a minimum spend.
Artworks and paintings

Perhaps houseplants may seem like too much of a commitment, or you simply don't have green fingers. This is where paintings and art pieces make an easier alternative. You can simply hang a couple of them on the wall that constantly forms your video call backdrop.
An Andy Warhol or Basquiat will certainly impress your co-workers, but your art doesn't necessarily have to be expensive or by big name artists. Consider procuring artworks instead from indie galleries such as Odd One Out, which boasts an array of creations by local and international printmakers and illustrators. We can't take our eyes off the above acrylic painting by Micke Lindebergh, which is titled 'Small Yellow Flower Pot' and features colourful blooms accented by quirky squiggles and bright hues.
Statement ornaments and furniture

Inject a dose of quirk into your meeting setup by peppering your background with assorted decorative items and statement furniture pieces. These can be anything from figurines to colourful tiles and dramatic room dividers.
Our go-to is Lala Curio, which is a whimsical wonderland of objets d'art such as brass monkey sculptures, cloisonné birds, and, one of our favourites — an adorable trio of cranes adorned with rock crystal feathers and perched on crystal balls.

Why settle for one specially curated work area, when you can turn your whole room into an Instagram-worthy space? Wallpaper is a bold and easy solution — if every wall in your room is clad in beautiful prints, you can essentially park yourself in any corner and still have an envy-inducing Zoom backdrop.
Designer wallpaper has seen a resurgence in recent years, and we're obsessed with Christian Lacroix's exquisite Oiseau Fleur vinyl wallpaper, which depicts vibrant botanical and bird motifs against a silk effect embossed base. It comes in two colourways of pink and grey.
(Main image: Brina Blum/ Unsplash; Featured image: Christian Lacroix)
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The Best Online Workouts Classes to Stream at Home
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Bowflex HVT: The Modern Workout for the Busy Professional
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4 workouts you can do anywhere, for the business executive on the go
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4 workouts you can do anywhere, for the business executive on the go

Fitness trainers share routines perfect for busy individuals.
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