Celebrity Life
Setting Up At My First Art Exhibit, February 2020 #KhaosPhilos
To get to the above layout – in the photograph above, I had to decide to do a dance between how many paintings I wanted to show and how many…
Windmill Design Festival 2020 : Participating Artists & Designers
The Windmill Design Festival began as a community event organised by Windmill Furniture and Pradeep Sachdeva Design Associates at their studio in Aya Nagar, New Delhi along with their neighbour…
Windmill Design Festival 2020, Call For Proposals
Windmill Design Festival 2020 will be held on the 8th and 9th 15th and 16th of February, 2020. The festival aims to create a platform for young product designers to interact…
10 Years of Pure Ghee Designs
No, they don’t use any pure ghee in any of their products! Pure Ghee Designs, by Aditi, makes beautiful textile products. Hand bags ( I have one in green Mashru…