Celebrity Life
The Peak team looks back on the diversions that made our childhood
How we spent our days long before the digital age descended upon us.
The post The Peak team looks back on the diversions that made our childhood appeared first on The Peak Magazine.
The Peak team looks back on the diversions that made our childhood

How we spent our days long before the digital age descended upon us.
For more stories like this, visit www.thepeakmagazine.com.sg.
Industry leaders on the toys that shaped them
Eric Khoo's GI Joe had a profound effect on his filmmaking career. For these head honchos, childhood playtime is more than just a fond and distant memory.
The post Industry leaders on the toys that shaped them appeared first on The Peak Magazine.
Industry leaders on the toys that shaped them

Eric Khoo's GI Joe had a profound effect on his filmmaking career. For these head honchos, childhood playtime is more than just a fond and distant memory.
For more stories like this, visit www.thepeakmagazine.com.sg.