Celebrity Life
FOMO vs. JOMO: How does kiasu culture stand up to the new-age desire for wellness?

The Peak team shares their perspective.
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How important is cultural philanthropy, given that there are more pressing social issues to support?

The Peak team shares their perspective.
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How much are you willing to pay for chicken rice?

Is $35 for a plate of this classic hawker favourite a little too much? The Peak team weighs in.
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The Peak team’s most vivid Chinese New Year memories

New year, new us? The Peak team reflects on the horrors and highs of the passing year.
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5 life lessons we learnt in 2018

New year, new us? The Peak team reflects on the horrors and highs of the passing year.
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The Peak team looks back on the diversions that made our childhood

How we spent our days long before the digital age descended upon us.
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#LifeBeyondGrades: Are you satisfied with where your PSLE score has taken you?

The Peak team weighs in on how a three-digit Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) score is not necessarily a predeterminer of failure or success.
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Are we ready for autonomous vehicles?

Man vs (smart) machine. Would you trust the bots to take the wheel?
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Why you may consider placing a microchip under your skin

We list out reasons for and against - join the conversation.
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Have your say: Is Abba’s time past?

Is a comeback really necessary or wanted? Share your thoughts - we share ours as well.
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Full-fledged airlines need to remain focused on staying luxe

When cost-cutting impinges on a brand’s core image.
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Should you tip in Singapore restaurants?

Given the 10% service charge, is there still an argument for tipping service staff?
For more stories like this, visit www.thepeakmagazine.com.sg.
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