Celebrity Life

Prepare to be shocked – these are officially the worst countries for expats

Prepare to be shocked - these are officially the worst countries for expats

I’ve been speaking to the people at Internations about the best places to live as an expat and I also thought to ask about the…

The post Prepare to be shocked – these are officially the worst countries for expats appeared first on The Expater.

Prepare to be shocked – these are officially the worst countries for expats

Prepare to be shocked - these are officially the worst countries for expats

I’ve been speaking to the people at Internations about the best places to live as an expat and I also thought to ask about the…

The post Prepare to be shocked – these are officially the worst countries for expats appeared first on The Expater.

Are you an Expater? Then here’s where you should live

Are you an Expater? Then here's where you should live

I recently chatted with the CEO of Internations about the best and worst places to live as an expat. As Expaters we have different priorities than regular…

The post Are you an Expater? Then here’s where you should live appeared first on The Expater.

Are you an Expater? Then here’s where you should live

Are you an Expater? Then here's where you should live

I recently chatted with the CEO of Internations about the best and worst places to live as an expat. As Expaters we have different priorities than regular…

The post Are you an Expater? Then here’s where you should live appeared first on The Expater.

Does poverty make you uncomfortable?

Does poverty make you uncomfortable?

Today it’s International Day of Charity. This got me thinking about a recent discussion with friends on the merits of India. One friend said she’d…

The post Does poverty make you uncomfortable? appeared first on The Expater.

Does poverty make you uncomfortable?

Does poverty make you uncomfortable?

Today it’s International Day of Charity. This got me thinking about a recent discussion with friends on the merits of India. One friend said she’d…

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Don’t cut your egg in Spain and other table manner rules

Don't cut your egg in Spain and other table manner rules

My Spanish husband and I agree to disagree on many things. One thing we cannot agree on however, is table manners. It seems that we…

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Don’t cut your egg in Spain and other table manner rules

Don't cut your egg in Spain and other table manner rules

My Spanish husband and I agree to disagree on many things. One thing we cannot agree on however, is table manners. It seems that we…

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Why is it bad luck to pass salt in Spain?

Why is it bad luck to pass salt in Spain?

Last week I was getting a facial and the facialist shrieked ‘stop!’ as I went upstairs to the treatment room. Another beautician was rushing down…

The post Why is it bad luck to pass salt in Spain? appeared first on The Expater.

Why is it bad luck to pass salt in Spain?

Why is it bad luck to pass salt in Spain?

Last week I was getting a facial and the facialist shrieked ‘stop!’ as I went upstairs to the treatment room. Another beautician was rushing down…

The post Why is it bad luck to pass salt in Spain? appeared first on The Expater.

Skosh, York: fine dining for toddlers (and their mums)

Skosh, York: fine dining for toddlers (and their mums)

For months I’ve been reading review after review harping on about an amazing restaurant on my doorstep, Skosh in York. Even the Simon Cowell of…

The post Skosh, York: fine dining for toddlers (and their mums) appeared first on The Expater.

Skosh, York: fine dining for toddlers (and their mums)

Skosh, York: fine dining for toddlers (and their mums)

For months I’ve been reading review after review harping on about an amazing restaurant on my doorstep, Skosh in York. Even the Simon Cowell of…

The post Skosh, York: fine dining for toddlers (and their mums) appeared first on The Expater.

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