Celebrity Life

imagine a world, and resolve to make it so

We should reinvent ourselves not only everyday, but in every moment. When we cling to an idea of who we think we are, it’s then we get stuck, when we can’t compromise, and often when we’re too blinded by ourselves to really see each moment for what it is. But, it’s not so easy to be ever conscious in every waking moment. As such, each year I try to re-evaluate who I am, who I want to be, and areas I feel the need for growth. This becomes a sort of loose framework that helps to guide the consciousness in those moments you do find time to pause. In years past, I have sought to simplify, to let go of the pursuit of perfection, and to strive for progress.  2021 has been a strange year. One I cannot begin to know how to describe. It wreaked havoc on our lives. It taught us how to be more self reliant and prepared. It made us question our way of life, and it changed the way we …

keep yourself in check

While 2020 continues to prove more uncertain by the day, it’s important for us to always challenge ourselves introspectively. If your actions, motivations, and state of being are not being lead by love, check yourself. Ask yourself why. Look at yourself, straight in the eyes, and determine what will drive you. What will motivate you. photography:JOSH WOLFE | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | check blazer:H&M | sunglasses c/o:SLOANE EYEWEAR | slip on shoes c/o:NAKED FEET We cannot force others to change, but we can lead by taking our own steps in the right direction. We can change the world, by changing ourselves. Find a quiet place, without distractions, and discover your own answers. While I love to travel the world, experience the hustle of city life, and discover new cultures… my quite place is serenity. Here in the mountains of Virginia, I’ve been able to let go, rediscover myself again and again, and choose for myself who I am. In a time of chaos, I encourage you to find a place where your soul refuels. …

bored in the house or bringing back basics

Just finished my 2nd face mask treatment this week. There some advantages to quarantine lifestyle. There’s a new level of organization in just about every drawer and cabinet. Lowes continues to swarm with a fresh batch of DIY enthusiasts. My house has been painted, rearranged, and mopped more in the last 2 months than it has all last year. Naizak is exhausted. She used to get excited for long walks… now she stares up with eyes like, “really… again??” photography:KRISTINA PETRICK | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | basic tank and thong c/o:SKIMS | gold jewelry c/o:ANA LUISA | marble case c/o:RICHMOND & FINCH   Life feels like it’s on a bit of a hold. And while you may be tempted to use the “B” word (my mother never let us say “bored”) it’s really not all that bad. Sure, if you’ve just doubled your screen time by spending 8 hours on TikTok every week, you might be bored. Maybe that’s why those songs are so popular there. But if you decide to live like a …

what it means to just let go

Darkness covers the earth, at least for those hours surrounding the work day. Every gym parking lot is full to capacity. Cliché post holiday routines are unavoidable. Keto, intermittent fasting, dry January… It’s the new year. And with it, is born a sense of motivation, purpose and the possibility of a new, brighter future. photography:JOSH WOLFE | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III   Type A and enneagram one… I know it’s overplayed. Yet, I cannot ignore the chance to re-organize and strive for something new. I don’t force myself into fad diets or a new gym routine (though perhaps I should). Instead, at the start of each year I construct a new way of seeing the world. I challenge my natural way of thinking, and strive to connect with a new reality as the world around me continues to evolve. The universe changes. People change. We all change. If we cannot examine ourselves and decide to change, we will be lost in a world of the past. We will forget who we are. Time will trample …
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